
Alex Mexicotte

Alex Mexicotte

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Web3 and AI: The Beginning of an Important Fellowship

Alex Mexicotte
January 29
As ChatGPT continues to blow up with a mania familiar to anyone whose gone through a crypto bull market, it’s hard not to see all of the use cases for the 2 technologies to work together. Many people have seen the value of AI for themselves by trying out ChatGPT and the opportunities to revolutionize many different businesses are flying around Twitter.
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Open Source Web3 Curation

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The Role of The Graph in the Web3 Data Economy

Alex Mexicotte
October 07
The fight for data ownership in Web2 is one that has frequently graced the headlines over the last few years, highlighting the perversion of the original egalitarian intentions of the world wide web. One of the main benefits of the rise of Web3 is the individual’s ability to reclaim ownership over his/her data. This contrasts heavily to the current state of Web2 where large central players own a majority of the data and either use that data to lock users into enclosed ecosystems or sell it to entities targeting ads to their users. Users of Web2 have little choice besides relinquishing ownership of their data in Web2 unless they want to avoid using these services, and as prolific as these services are in Web2, this is nearly impossible. Thus, most users in Web2 willingly give up ownership of their data and privacy in exchange for permission to use these services. Most people are aware of this irresponsible use of their data when, after visiting a product site a single time, they are greeted with ads for those products for the next few weeks on platforms like Facebook or Instagram. This is why many services are “free”, but as the saying goes, “if it’s free, then YOU are the product.” The reason why relinquishing ownership of data is used in exchange for access to many services on Web2 is because data is extremely valuable. Advertising revenue is the life-blood of Web2: from Google, Twitter, Facebook, and other major players, ad revenue makes up a significant portion of their total revenue generated.