


Novelty-seeking missile, backend web3 technophile, and web2 runaway here to build the future. Blogging as I learn, build and catalyze.
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Unlocking Research Innovation with IP-NFTs: How to Get Started with Decentralized Funding

How Decentralized Science, or DeSci, can enable novel funding mechanisms and protect intellectual property in scientific research using innovative new mechanisms such as IP-NFTs.
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A Neophyte's Guide to Vitalia

An overview of Vitalia, a crypto web3 enabled longevity biotech startup city in Roatan, Honduras, in the Prospera ZEDE special economic zone. Aligned with VitaDAO, this crypto-futurist enterprise seeks to make death optional and kick-start

Complex EVM Storage Mappings for Tenderly State Overrides and General Debugging 🧼

September 01
September 1, 2023
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A Neophyte’s Guide to Crypto Nomadism: Part I

How to be a nomad in the web3 scene, findign a sense of belonging and community while constantly traveling.
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A Neophyte's Guide to Crypto Maximalism

A guide to understanding core values of pluralism and synergy in blockchain technologies for those new to crypto.

Never going back...

Freshly inculcated from ETH Amsterdam, I am writing this blog to share my thoughts (forever, on-chain, indelibly) on transitioning to Web3 from Web2.