How to get Uniswap V3 liquidity pool address for whitelisting?

Similar to what we did for Uniswap V2 on how to find address of smart contract pool that will be generated we can do the same for V3

Depending on what chain we are at, you can find all the addresses of Factories here

Aim for the v3CoreFactoryAddress values.**So there are a few methods to do that, one could be to use Tenderly like the one below.**To predict the address of your Uniswap V3 Pool, use the following simulator:

To use:

  1. Click Re-Simulate in the top right corner.

  2. Update the simulation parameters: tokenA (your token address), tokenB (typically WETH, or 0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2), and set the fee tier to either 500, 3000 (for 0.3%), or 10000 (for 1%).

  3. Run Simulate, and then expand the Input/Output section. The output on the right column will show the derived pool address.

Another can be with some JS code and libraries that simulate the same as below

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