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R4Nd0m k0lLEC7I0N 0F U5EFul PHindiN92 0N mY j0URney PhR0m n00b 2 1337. rAmBL1N92 aBoUt 5Ol1d17y, rE4C7, nf7, dEfi, WE83
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Forking uniswap UI and deploying its static files to decentralized storage

August 29
Currently Uniswap UI is broken for Sepolia and testnets so to use it locally or on some IPFS/Swarm solution you need to go to older version and make a build.

Query Ethereum Mempool Or any other EVM chain

August 29
Make a cURL request to the transaction pool/mempool of your node:
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IPFS and Filecoin - how are they integrated

June 22
I was doing a deep dive to understand what is happening with IPFS and Filecoin and how Filecoin uses IPFS in reality.

Gas cost of getting the whole struct vs getting struct single values

May 21
I wanted to know if it is worth it to make a lookup for the whole struct and parse info from it or to always get single values with getters from it to optimize. So the value of gas needed for most single lookup is around 2900 gas or less. But the value for the whole struct lookup is 9861 gas, which means that if the lookup is using less than 3 values it’s more worth it to do a single lookup for each value in a struct. This changes as the stuct is larger, if there are more values in it then it’s less worth it to do a lookup of the whole struct and more sense to do lookup for just one value whish is kind of obvious.
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Uniswap V3 initializing pools, adding liquidity and tools for calculations - Swiss knife post

April 12
Warning, this post is only useful if you tried out adding liquidity both with UI and with code, read about V3 most of the info, and want to have more clearer idea of what is what.

Hardhat TS/JS - network does not support ENS

March 25
I was getting this error on a custom cluster with the geth node
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Wallet signing, eth_sign, and security

March 11
I am sure many of you had a similar experience when you were about to sign something online and you were not sure what you were signing and how secure it is. Many websites today ask you to sign a message when just logging in to dapp. Sometimes it shows you some message you are about to sign in clear format but sometimes it’s just some random hex values and you are not sure what you are signing. So I wondered how secure or insecure that is and what are we doing by signing some messages.

ERC20 - Difference between transfer and transferFrom

March 11
This is more a note to myself as to when is transfer used and when is transferFrom and that with transferFrom you need to have approval of token transfers and for just pure transfer its not needed.
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Curl-ing the blockchain with JSONRPC and creating transactions

February 07
Here are some quick snippets that help when you want to get info from Blockchain.