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Your reliable DID infrastructure layer for all social dApps to build upon. We connect your Web2 & Web3 identities.
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Next.ID @ETHDenver: Come hang out with us at Web3 Social House!

February 21
Join Next.ID, Mask Network, Chainbase, Collab.Land, and other exciting projects at the Web3 Social House event during ETHDenver’s BUIDL week, happening between 28th Feb — 1st Mar. Experience a jam-packed 2-day event for hackers, investors, and Web3 enthusiasts worldwide. The goal of Web3 Social House is to build a strong presence and establish ourselves as a flagship event at ETHDenver. With 35,000 attendees expected at ETHDenver, this is a must-attend opportunity.
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Next.ID 2023: Your Space & Identity, Awesomely Self-Hosted

February 18
New year, new challenges! As we move into the new year, we want to send a big THANK YOU to the Next.ID community for your continuous support. We’ve come a long way since the alpha test of Next.ID in April of 2022. Thanks to the projects and developers in our community, we learned everyone’s take on identity, privacy, and valid use cases around DID and have spent the last couple of months laying the foundation and framework necessary to lay out our roadmap in 2023!
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Why We Need To Own Our Digital Identities In A Decentralized World

February 18
Dear friends,
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Bangkok Identity Meetup

February 18
Next.ID hosted a panel discussion in Bangkok on 4th January 2023 where Web3 & identity thought leaders gathered to exchange ideas and discuss the concept behind Decentralized Identities (DID).
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Next.ID x 0xScope: Enhancing Identity Integrity in Web3

February 18
Next.ID is a decentralized identity protocol that integrates Web2 and Web3 identities, offering a comprehensive and verifiable identity management and database for open-source developers and projects to innovate and build dApps on. Next.ID offers Decentralized-Identity-as-a-Service (DIaaS).
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Is a DID a wallet? Let’s debunk myths about identities in Web3

February 18
When we talk about Web3 social media and platforms, we would inevitably come across the term “DID” (Decentralized Identity¹). Since the concept of DIDs is still very nascent, many people might not fully grasp what DID entail. Therefore, this article serves to address some of the common misconceptions, and at the same time, give you a better technical idea of DIDs in Web3.
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Next.ID <> Gitcoin Social Hour Hackathon || AMA Recap

February 18
Next.ID hosted a Twitter Space AMA on the 7th November 2022, together with Gitcoin to celebrate the ongoing Gitcoin Social Hour Hackathon with invited guests and community members.
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DID 是钱包吗?聊聊 Web3 身份迷思

February 18
最近 DID(decentralized identity,去中心化身份)话题特别火,融资新闻也一个接一个。关于 DID 这个概念要如何理清却颇有争议,尽管处于这样的发展早期,很多理念并未完全明晰,不过对于一些已经出现的比较明显的困惑,我们有必要罗列出来,一起尝试看看,拨开 Web3 身份的技术迷雾。
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Down the Rabbit Hole of Decentralized Identities — WAMO Summer Dali Web3 Fest DID Camp Recap

February 18
WAMO Summer Dali Web3 Fest DID Camp is one of the decentralized themed camps of the Dali Web3 Fest. Next.ID, UniPass, MetaID, and KNN3 co-hosted a round-table talk both online and offline. During the talk, the projects focused on building Web3 decentralized identities (DIDs) gathered and took a deep dive into the application level, imagination room, and the current problems in the DID build-out phase.