P12 Editor Alpha v0.12.0.0 Release Notes


  1. because of ts compiler changes, ts scripts in the variable no longer support # number naming variables, import file name also has case restrictions new version of the game released, the previous version of the engine can not play properly.

  2. class.name requires developers to maintain a static variable, compiling compressed code may cause the class name to change at runtime

  3. the editor compile error pop-ups may be incorrect

  4. If you encounter build.ts compilation error, please delete build.ts and recompile

  5. In order not to expose to the user, the editor mode is removed from the run mode, you can configure the editor mode independently in this file: WindowsNoEditor\MW\Saved\MetaWorld\Projects\ugc\Config directory under GameSetting.ini with the following fields bMobileEditor=True

  6. the new version of the script in capitalization interface in vscode will prompt an error, but does not affect the operation

  7. the new version changed the editor PIE start process, solve the original PIE may appear card "server start" problem, will affect the previous real-time log tool can not be displayed in the log, now only the editor log output window display information.

  8. the GameUI construct function may be executed twice, the next version to solve

  9. low Occasionally the process is not destroyed after exiting the Editor, you can actively end the process in the task manager, next version to solve

  10. When creating a new template, dragging and dropping scripts to the template may cause the script compilation to fail, which can be solved by reentering the project, next version will fix it completely.

  11. launch the editor with launcher, there may be MWTS log printing is not correct, please in the project -> editor settings -> run settings, first set to display only custom log and then switch to display all logs can be solved

  12. due to camera optimization cameraLocationMode and cameraRotationMode implementation has been adjusted, compatible with the old effect need to fill in additional lines of code

  13. UI new Z factor property does not support the use of the prefabricated body editor, subsequent versions to add this feature

  14. save the template may have a low probability of editor crash, prefab2 issue 013 to solve

  15. V0.12.0.0 released game using V0.11.0.0 engine may not be able to enter the game, and so 012 engine occupancy high after you can update the game through 012 version one after another, is expected to next Monday.

New features:


【 Optimize】Preview function

  • Optimize the preview function, adjust the size of the preview map/preview port, and support the viewport preview for static models, animations and special effects.

    • Preview image

    • Preview viewport

  • Effects

    • Static model: Preview through the preview viewport inside, can be operated with the common viewport camera

    • Animation: Previewed in the preview viewport, with the ability to switch between characters and play/stop the animation.

    • Special effects: Preview through the preview viewport, and you can use the common viewport camera to operate.

【Function】Game landscape and vertical screen, resolution simulation

  • Function entrance: Editor toolbar - horizontal and vertical screen, resolution simulation button

  • Resolution simulation function

  • Add Resolution

    • Developers can click the button to open the custom resolution popup

    • Fill in the name and size in the custom resolution pop-up window to add a resolution

  • Resolution list

    • Display the "Main Viewport Tile" and the resolutions added by the developer, click on a resolution to switch to the selected resolution

    • Custom resolutions can be deleted

  • Effect

    • Main viewport: according to the selected resolution and viewport size, the viewport is divided into operable and non-operable areas.

    • PIE: adaptively adjust the PIE window size according to the selected resolution aspect ratio

  • Horizontal and vertical screen function

    • After selecting the horizontal/vertical screen option, the game can be set to horizontal and vertical screen

    • Effect

      • Main viewport: according to the horizontal and vertical screen, resolution settings, in the viewport to divide the operable area, invalid operation area

      • PIE: according to the horizontal and vertical screen, resolution settings, adaptive adjustment of the PIE window size

      • Mobile

  • Notes on use

    • Rocker: At present, there is a problem with the adaptation scheme of the system default rocker under the vertical screen, which has been scheduled for modification, and it is recommended that developers customize the rocker.

    • 233 platform horizontal and vertical screen function: the horizontal and vertical screen function involves 233 platform function, MW and 233 platform is not synchronous release, the function needs 233 platform subsequent release can be used normally in the platform

【Optimization】transform adjustment optimization

  • After grid alignment is enabled, the minimum adjustment unit of transform in the property bar is consistent with the alignment value set in the toolbar.

  • When grid is not enabled, the minimum adjustment unit of transform in the property bar is as follows

    • Move: the default unit is 1

    • Rotation: default unit is 1°

    • Scale: default unit is 0.1

  • The minimum adjustment unit of transform in the UI editor is as follows

    • Position: default unit is 1

    • Size: default unit is 0.1

【Optimize】 Object Manager to save object hidden state

  • If an object is hidden in the object manager, the object will remain hidden when the project is opened again.

[Optimize] No nodes are not expanded when mounting/copying and pasting objects

  • When mounting/copying A object to B object, the nodes under B object will not be expanded.

【Optimization】Wrap-around box performance optimization when mouse is selected or hovered over an object

  • Bold the bracket box of the selected object

  • Add breath state wrapping box when mouse hovering over an object

【Optimization】 Axis display optimization

  • When the mouse hovers over an axis, the axis is bolded.
(when not hovered)
(when not hovered)
(When hovering)
(When hovering)

【Function】 Icon and wireframe hiding function

  • New "Hide Icons and Wireframes" option in the Editor toolbar, hide the icons and wireframes of objects in the viewport after checking.

【Optimization】 Optimize the selection of locked objects

  • Locked objects can be selected in the viewport, but cannot be moved.

【Function】Right-click Menu of Local Resource Library

  • New right-click menu for local repository, you can copy GUID, resource name

[Optimize] Resource preview support copy GUID, resource name

  • New buttons for copying GUID and resource name in resource preview

【Optimize】Add loading to save project

【Function】Role editor supports removing skeletal models

  • In the role editor - basic - role settings adjustable items can switch the role to none, after switching the role to use the secondary female skeleton, clear the role reference skeletal model, texture and other resources

  • Note: When you switch the role to none, you cannot use the adjustable item of character image editing, you can use the item preview and animation preview function.

【Function】The character editor supports switching the whole set of basic poses

  • In the character editor-animation preview, you can switch the whole set of basic pose of the character, and the character will use the corresponding basic pose after switching when running.

  • When switching between characters in the Character Editor - Character Settings, the character will be automatically switched to the corresponding basic pose of the character.

  • Note: The "default standby pose" in the animation preview does not include basic poses such as walking, running and jumping, and is only used as a convenient adjustment slot for developers.

[Optimization] Attribute panel supports tips configuration

  • Editor adds tips function for configuring feature/property descriptions

  • Note: Due to feature iteration, some features tips are missing, will be optimized and updated later

[Optimize] Selected model can display the number of triangular faces and vertices Object Manager

Resource preview window

[Optimize] Show the animation duration of action resources

Resource preview window

【UI Editor】 New hierarchy adjustment function between UI files

In order to adjust the rendering order between UI files, the property panel adds a new property [UI Settings] - [z-factor], the UI files with larger z-factor are rendered in the upper layer

The UI files with the same z-factor are arranged according to the upper and lower order of the object list, and those with the lower object list are rendered on the upper level. .

[World Settings] New gravity preset: default (preset value: -2000)

In order to adjust the feel of the character, the default of the new gravity preset, with a default value of -2000, ensures that the character will fall a little faster when jumping.

【Optimization】 Cinematic image quality optimization

Cinematic image quality increased the shadow resolution, currently 4096 Cinematic quality increased the target resolution percentage of scene rendering, currently 200

【Optimization】Multi-selection operation optimization

  • When multiple objects are selected in editing mode, a whole wrap-around box is displayed by multiple objects. Multi-selected objects may not be at the same level.

  • When multiple objects are selected in Edit mode, a temporary anchor point is displayed, which is the center point of the whole wrap-around box, and the anchor point can be used to transform the multi-selected objects.

【Optimization】Remove the edit mode option from the main editor

  • Remove "Edit mode option" from the editor runtime settings

[Optimize] LS mode renamed, limit the number of players to 1

  • LS Mode" renamed to "Single Player Mode" in Run Settings, the number of players can only be 1 after checking Single Player Mode (cannot be modified)

[Function] Anchor point offset function for empty anchor point object editing

Expand the properties of empty anchor object, add custom anchor offset function, improve the convenience of using empty anchor object as parent object.

  • New anchor offset property field in property panel

    • Automatic centering of empty anchor points

      • Click the Auto-Center button

        • If there are child objects, the empty anchor point is centered in the enclosing box created by all child objects, and the XYZ property value of the empty anchor point is changed to the XYZ position parameter of the center point relative to the current Transform coordinate. [Image]

        • If there is no child object, the position of the empty anchor point remains unchanged and the XYZ parameter defaults to 0

    • Manual offset of the null anchor point

      • The XYZ parameter can be changed by entering the parameter or by dragging the parameter to manually adjust the position of the empty anchor point, when the parameter is changed, the position of the axes in the project will change simultaneously with the parameter change of the empty anchor point
    • Vertex adsorption

      • After clicking the vertex adsorption button, the interface highlights all the enclosing box vertices and center points with red spheres, and the mouse becomes a cross.

        • When the mouse is close to any highlight point, the red sphere turns blue to indicate that the user can select it, and when the user clicks on it, the empty anchor point is shifted to the selected vertex position, and the XYZ parameter of the anchor point shift of the empty anchor point changes to the relative position property value of the current empty anchor point shift position relative to the Transform coordinate. [Image]
      • When in Vertex Adsorption mode, two exit rules are included

        • Click ESC to exit

        • Exit with any vertex selected


[Camera Preset Function - Camera Mode]

In order to facilitate the quick selection of the required viewpoint, the new [Camera Mode] function, developers can quickly select the camera mode in the new drop-down options in the camera properties panel; after selection, the properties panel will be modified in accordance with the preset value refresh.

The camera mode can also be selected in a script, e.g.

this.fireButton.onJoyStickDown().add(() => {
    //Press the joystick to enter the first-person aiming view, and turn on the real effect
    this.fireButton.setInputScale(new Type.Vector2(0.2, 0.2))

this.fireButton.onJoyStickUp().add(() => {
    // Release the joystick to fire the bullet and restore the third-person over-the-shoulder view with realistic effects on          
    this.fireButton.setInputScale(new Type.Vector2(0.5, 0.5))

CameraMode - Enumeration (CameraMode)

Name Enumeration Value Description

FirstPerson 0 First-person view camera effect

ThirdPerson 1 Third-person view camera effect

TopDownAngle 2 The effect of the camera with a 45 degree angle of view

Default 3 Default effect

TPSOverShoulderAngle 4 Third-person over-the-shoulder view of the camera effect

FPSShootingAngle 5 First-person shooting perspective camera effect

In addition, to make it easier to see which properties have been modified and refreshed after modifying [Camera Mode], all of the following relevant camera properties have been exposed in the panel.

  • Camera transform - relative position

    • Function Description: That is, the camera offset relative to the default position, the property and the camera position offset property effect is the same
  • Spring Arm Transform-Relative Position

    • The camera is connected to the character through the spring-arm peg, and when rotating the view, the camera rotates around the spring-arm peg; this property has the same effect as the camera position offset property
  • Spring arm transformation-Relative rotation

    • Function: Set the angle of the spring arm, that is, the angle of the camera relative to the spring arm hanging point, dragging the screen in the game to turn the perspective is equivalent to dynamically adjusting this property, so this property is only in effect when the camera orientation mode is fixed orientation and follow orientation, used to create a top-down game; camera transformation - relative rotation is different from this property is only to change the camera angle, not to change the angle of the spring arm
  • Turn on the real effect

    • Function description: If the real effect is turned on, the camera will follow the head of the character model; if the real effect is turned off, the camera will follow the movement of the capsule body, which is used to make the first-view game
  • Fixed camera Z-axis direction

    • Function Description: Fix the camera coordinates on the Z-axis, for example, when the character is jumping, the camera will not follow the character to change the Z-axis position, used to make top-view angle games

【MWAsset Optimization】

From the resource module to optimize the mobile side of the entry time, mobile side to remove the SQLite call, to avoid frequent io caused by time-consuming, the resources used in the project collected to the Asset_Data_List and Local_Asset_List, to avoid requesting resource information time-consuming, speed up the speed of entry into the game.

【Disconnect and Reconnect】

Quit the game by clicking the MGS hoverball, and confirm that the game will not be disconnected again after starting again.

【Frame Rate Alarm】

Add an alarm for the difference between frames, when the current fps is more than 2 times the average of the first 3 frames and less than 12 and 8 frames, a log will be printed.

[API-New]: Get the default picture quality grading interface for cell phones

Global.getDefaultGFXCPULevel() //Get the default CPU picture quality level of the phone
Global.getDefaultGFXGPULevel() //Get the phone's default GPU image quality level

【API-Optimization】: Merged objects support clone

In the editor object tree, the merged object supports dynamic cloning by means of clone().

protected onStart(): void {
    let a=MWCore.GameObject.find("1344DA334A3B36BE957BC1889FF2DC88");
    let b=a.clone();
    b.location=new Type.Vector(0,0,100);

[API-Optimization]: Four-wheeled carrier skeleton support MWActor generic interface

The four-wheeled carrier skeleton model in the repository can use the common interfaces such as delete and find in the MWActor interface.

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