As mint date draws inexorably nearer, I decided it was a good time to do a quick and casual artist insight interview on Discord. There are a few things about CFW’s creative process and mind that I have come to respect immensely, and wanted to share his own words with you all.
Our conversations with CFW are always so productive, and oftentimes fu*king absurd. We end up laughing like complete idiots about ridiculous things, from weird Discord emotes and stickers, to art we find on and off web3. As always, this started out casual, and as always, I made it get weird and deep. We still ended up on degen humor somehow (wtf is wrong with us).
Discord emotes unfortunately will not be visible in this format, so they have been removed. Feel free to picture a bunch of animated, weird, colorful, somewhat derpy blobs and smileys and :kek: all over the place.
: what's up! what are you working on?
: lol, sup! at this exact moment, working on a 1/1 for the collection.
: oh shiiiii-
this has been a wild ride. let’s get into this interview bsns. where did it start for you with the Stacyverse?
: it really has, and I feel like I haven't stopped to really take in how far we've come with the Stacyverse. I was asked this question earlier as well, because I think people see a very cohesive narrative over the past few collections but truth be told it's been a brick by brick kinda of a thing where I just began doing my thing with the pills, and then more people came, more artist collaborations were made, a team was built, and we gave life to the entire collection through stories that brought together all the parts into what we now call the 'Stacyverse'
: it really is kind of crazy-feeling when we realize how deep in our art we get sometimes. i think one of the coolest things about art is when you are enjoying the process of creating, and not just looking at the final product. do you often find yourself immersed fully in Cinema4D and losing track of time? i imagine you also run into complications you have to troubleshoot, which is part of the process. what do the good bursts of creative flow look like for you? what do the frustrating ones look like?
: such a good question. yes, I think this past year has been really an eye opener for me, because NFTs made me think about art more seriously. I've been using these 'professional' tools for my motion design job and making 'art,' but it's only after NFTs and making new friends in the commune that I truly understand that definition of art, and the beauty that lies in it.
and yes, when it comes to creating, most of the time I’m fully immersed in what I do, and I think it's crucial to bring to fruition anything you've set out to do, or else you will not be able to see it finished, or not in the form you envisioned it to be. my hack to not having 'frustrating' creative work flow is put a break on working itself. deliberately taking time off is a way I make sure the times I do work are a good experience for me & what I make.
also, snek pek!
(still a wip though, I wanted something more joyous when compared to the other eerie parts of the project)
: holy shit.
this uplifting (and rare) ultra-positive Pillhead you are working on echoes this sentiment so much; escaping frustration not just by taking a break, but also being able to create with a focus on beauty and positivity. working with you, i have come to realize that at your core ethos and methodology , you are constantly working to bring a message of positivity with your work. where does this come from? is it partially a cultural thing? is there an experience you can pinpoint in your life that solidified this as a core part of your paradigm as an artist?
(lol, casual just got heavy. i suck at light interviews lol)
: huh, you're making me spill stuff. haha!
I don't think it's a cultural thing. rather, I think it stems from my personal growth as a human first before anything else. we all grow up in a very institutionalized environment, in the assumption that everything we see around us is safe, non-destructive. but I spent my early 20s traveling across my country, India; and the more I saw, the more unhappy the world seemed. not everyone is born with a silver spoon and life gets tough. I lost my dad to cancer, and some of my friends to depression. the world can get ugly real quick. but if there's anything that I can do to make it a little better, I think it's my attempt to create art that shares a positive message. I've always said this - the pill is in everything I do, and it isn't really about narcotics, but rather the idea that it provides a sense of feeling safe through chemically induced spaces you can go to. I think I still have a long way to go to truly spread happiness through my art.
(yep, it got dark)
: this is intense, and beautiful. thank you for sharing that personal piece.
i am no stranger to death, and i think it makes for the strongest impressions that drive folks to do better in their lifetimes. it's a long road that sometimes seems short. our vision [article linked here] shows what a long way we have to go though! are you excited to start working with mediums outside of 3D for this project? will this be like leaving a comfort zone for you?
: of course!
I really want to spend the next couple of months, maybe years trying to see where we can take this shared effort of 'Pillheads' because when I started Stacy Pills, it started with me, but Pillheads isn't just me: it is the result is a beautiful collaboration between 5 brilliant minds, and soon a community of thousands! I think there's a real potential to turn this brand into a household name.
: i'm so excited and terrified at the same time, realizing what we've been creating. it comes back to sometimes having to raise our head up and look at where we are in this sea of insanity we have worked ourselves into. sounds like drowning, but really i think this is called feeling truly alive. to quote Louis Carroll, "we're all crazy here."
it means so much to be able to share these quick but deep insights into your mind CFW. is there a message you would like to leave folks reading this with?
: hmm....
lol nah...
NFTs are dead?
jokes aside, what we're building is a slow & delicate process. as a holder, you witness first hand, a beautiful community in the making that doesn't stem from 'profits' but from Art. we truly want to attract people that think like us, to help create a space that feels like home. we know all of us at the end of the day are here to make money, but the way we make it, and our intentions in the space will truly determine what web3 looks like years from now.
take the pill & let's see where this trip takes us!
Hope you all enjoyed this short but sweet interview. For more insight on the art and process, feel free to hop on the Pillheads™ Discord and get engaged!
See you on the 16th!
Some friendly reminders:
Holder Snapshot is on June 10th.
Minting starts June 16th.
Holders of previous CFW collections get stacked mints based on # of tokens held.
Full drop mechanics here: