For those just tuning in, yes, we are in a bear market. And yes, bear markets can be brutal. More seasoned folks in crypto markets will encourage others to stay strong and ride it out. Less experienced individuals will succumb to fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Both parties will encourage others to learn from the situation, and make better decisions moving forward.
In between these two is a rarer category of people, and since you are reading this, there is a very good chance you are in that group.
We are a subset of society that primarily operates on financial technology, while simultaneously redefining utility, value, and fairness through our actions on-chain, without necessarily being traders of its fungible assets.
NFTs have been a fascinating departure from traditional financial models, for artists and collectors alike. While we are not immune to the peaks and troughs of market movements, we are able to exist as humans not defined by it; we are all contributing something to web3. Artists offer sensory modes of escape, new perspectives, and build foundations that push technology and design in new directions. Collectors and curators offer new mechanisms for determining value, and what new ideas will influence future generations of artists and projects. Developers build interfaces that bridge all parties and breathe digital life into these paradigms.
When faced with adversity as a community, we are presented with opportunities to set new standards. Our voices carry weight here: we have the power to both crush the aspirations of others, and to help them up with messages of positivity. As a group, our team is here to elevate our community as per our [manifesto], and to set examples of longevity and integrity.
We strive to move with elegance and confidence during times of uncertainty. We are committed to the projects we are bringing to life. We are in the business of building a brand that goes beyond a few market cycles. We are here to stay, and we want to encourage other communities to look at ours and decide they want to stay as well.
Things tend to get worse before they get good, and people often disappear during these periods. Those that stay behind understand the speculative nature of crypto, and know that everything has ups and downs.
We are unsure if things are going to get even worse than they are now with the markets, but we don’t want to wait and find out. We have worked very hard to get to this stage as a group. It has been fascinating watching our community grow, partnerships evolve, and our OG holders stick around. Our gratitude is endless. It has been equally captivating to watch our team grow internally, as we have overcome all manner of hurdles logistically, developmentally, psychologically, and even emotionally.
We are a tight crew, and while we are seeking financial independence from our past lives, we have discovered something we had almost forgotten about: the endorphin rush of being able to step back and look at what we have created. We are able to present to you CFW’s art & brand in a way that is well thought out and executed. Our marketing is organic, and we have never spent even a fraction of any currency on advertising.
You are reading this article because we met as a group of humans making a decision as a group to stay our course.
As a team of creatives, it has been an immense pleasure to be able to work with each other and help set each other up to succeed in our tasks. We have learned so much together. Our public message of hope, caring, and love is not just an outward-facing message; it is fueling the very machine that we have become parts of. With healthy communication and the destruction of ego, we have built more than just a PFP project; we’ve built a union of minds that are determined to mature and expand indefinitely.
All we know for sure is that we have to keep creating. Our [Vision] provides a window into where we are headed, and we encourage you to take a peek into our community’s future if you haven’t already.
We’re going to mint on the 16th, bear or bull.
We are going to write graphic novels, explore physicals, record podcasts, and keep doing what we do to stay sane; we are going to continue creating quality art.
Take the pill with us, and follow us into the Stacyverse.
We’re just getting started.