NFTs Will Onboard the Next 50 Billion Crypto Users

Imagine a world where the global population (*adj. for uh, inflation) is native to digital ownership!

We've just been notified that there aren't 50 billion people
We've just been notified that there aren't 50 billion people

RCS believes NFTs have somewhat normalized the idea that ownership can be digital, and that they’re one of the most popular onramps for mainstream users into crypto. NFTs provide foundational knowledge to any new Web3 traveler, surfacing the ideas of self-custody, transactions on-chain, and more importantly; digital ownership.

In NFT projects, “free mints” are no longer just for your breath. This is a term used to describe the free creation/acquisition of an NFT to the collector’s wallet. Free mints and other new offerings such as “open editions” (OEs) have become popular due to their low barrier to entry for creators and collectors.


  • Open edition NFTs are usually mass offerings of a single unique piece of art. They transmit artists’ creations broadly without requiring them to know smart contract development or deployment in most cases (thanks Zora!)

  • NFT Collectors can participate in these offerings without being priced out– and without having to worry about the project running out of supply or “minting out” (ahem, YugaLabs)

Our favorite Open Editions making waves at the moment are Jack Butcher’s “Checks VV Edition”, (pictured left) “Opepen Edition” - an homage derivative project, (middle) and last but not least, our very own Opengu Edition, a fun project by RCSV for its community and investor base.

Small fund: So we haven’t made any money, but here’s a penguin for your troubles
Small fund: So we haven’t made any money, but here’s a penguin for your troubles

NFTs Are Dead

Oh! Well guess it’s time to close up shop, maybe we should go back to options trading with my dad’s credit card….Wait for it

According to, NFT activity accounts for 26% of daily Ethereum usage, narrowly behind DeFi
According to, NFT activity accounts for 26% of daily Ethereum usage, narrowly behind DeFi

A quick google of “nansen ai nft tvl” shows that even in peak bear market conditions, the top NFT collection is still doing roughly $2.8M in daily volume.

You can’t make these prices up….
You can’t make these prices up….

On the contrary, NFT activity is actually alive and well. We’re seeing original projects and honest actors flourish in the aftermath of bull market insanity euphoria, and even collaborating with some of them! Generally speaking, we’d argue that digital asset ownership is becoming more widely accepted and better capitalized, even in a downturn.

And there’s household names getting into the game. Starbucks announced their Odyssey NFT program to build customer loyalty, and Spotify is reportedly toying with the idea of creating playlists exclusively available to NFT holders. If you’re reading this, it’s still early.

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A new paradigm of ownership, investment, and community begets a massive opportunity for people that are willing to journey into the landscape of Web3 and NFT ownership. Participation does not have to be prohibitively expensive, even light hearted and funny projects such as Larva Chads (pictured below) have created unexpected upside for those who originally bought their NFTs for fun…I hear they even launched their own cereal.

Disclaimer: We did not use investor money for these, Lacrosse used his own scratch
Disclaimer: We did not use investor money for these, Lacrosse used his own scratch

We’ve all heard that crypto and NFTs are doomed, a scam, etc. However, our group is more gung-ho and galvanized than it ever has been since we opened our doors. Right Click Save is still acquiring NFTs, as we have been for the last 9 months. Our investment fund, Generational JPEGs is laser focused on identifying + acquiring current and future blue chips.

Read: We’re buying your bags, you’re welcome.

Remember kids:

Experimenting, reading about projects you genuinely enjoy, and being patient are the keys to a happy and successful NFT adventure. Stick to your principles, watch out for grifters, and pls don’t answer people asking for your seed phrase.

If you get stuck and need some direction, we usually talk about projects we like on our Twitter. You can also reach out to me directly. I actually do answer my DMs.

Interested in Generational JPEGs? Shoot us an email:

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