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Real World Income

Real World Income

Generating sustainable yield, by promoting real world business. https://t.me/RealWorldIncome https://medium.com/@realworldincome
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The Mechanics of RWI

Towards the goal of sustainably providing investor returns, RWI will leverage a weekly profit-cycle system where participation occurs at-will, free of staking or vesting requirements. Total 6-month yield, based off initial DAO investment, is calculated and then divided into 24 one-week increments. Participants who held at or above threshold amounts of $RWI tokens during this period are rewarded proportionately.

The Problem With DeFi “Yield”

Albert Einstein called compound interest the 8th Wonder of the World and said that those who understand it, earn it, while those who don’t, pay it. With such an outsized presence in the world of traditional finance, it’s no wonder that many DeFi projects have attempted to emulate yield generation vehicles on-chain.