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ReFi Medellin

ReFi Medellin

Join the movement towards a more sustainable and equitable future in #Medellín🌱
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Treasury Management for Good: How ReFi Medellín Incorporates Glo Dollar

ReFi Medellin
August 28
A few weeks ago, we shared an exciting announcement: the incorporation of Glo Dollar into our treasury. This represents a big milestone: directly supporting Glo’s positive mission as well as making our activities more impactful.
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Blockchain for Good: Our Recap of the Web3 Colombia Hackathon

ReFi Medellin
August 24
At ReFi Medellín, our mission has always been to intertwine the threads of web3 with sustainability, community, and positive impact. And what better way to catalyze this mission than through the dynamic platform of a hackathon?
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Explorando el Futuro Financiero de América Latina: Nuestra Inmersión en el Blockchain Summit Latam, Colombia 2023

ReFi Medellin
August 24
Nuestra incursión en el Blockchain Summit Latam Colombia 2023 fue una experiencia reveladora que nos sumergió de lleno en las fascinantes aguas de la tecnología blockchain y las criptomonedas. A lo largo de tres días, del 4 al 6 de octubre, la vibrante Bogotá se transformó en el epicentro de nuestra atención, reuniendo a expertos, emprendedores y apasionados que compartían nuestro interés en explorar las aplicaciones revolucionarias de esta tecnología.
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Hello World, We Are ReFi Medellín!

Imagine a financial world where resources don't just deplete—they renew, rejuvenate, and increase over time. This is the foundational belief of Regenerative Finance (ReFi). Around the globe, ReFi has grown into an entire movement. It shows a commitment to creating economic systems that focus not just on profits but also on creating holistic wealt that benefits the individual, the community, and the planet.But that’s not everything: A core tenet is also democratizing the world of finance, ensuring equitable access for all.Welcome to our world! Based in the City of the Eternal Spring, the beautiful Medellín, we are a tribe of “regens”—passionate advocates of ReFi. As we publish our first blog entry ever, we are thrilled to take you on a journey through our story, our aspirations, and a sneak peek into our recent work. Dive in with us! ⛰️☀️🌿