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Rinna ♥︎ 猫りんな

Rinna ♥︎ 猫りんな

Artist /Designer🌷Poptimistic Kawaii Anarchist 🍒 Regen🌿 Hacker🍡 Cheerleader /Founder 組長 @ArtGumiDAO 💕 Building new world of Art + Tech🌈
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ETH Global Tokyo Hackathon

My 1st experience at ETHGlobal Tokyo Hackathon as an artist. I also won prizes too yay!
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Art NFTWorkshop

ArtGumi x Fracton Ventures ART NFT WORKSHOP by Rinna ♥︎ 猫りんな & Yudai Suzuki 18 December 2022 at The Deck Osaka
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POAP Templates 01-06

I made some POAP Templates. Please feel free to use them. Download links below each sample image. I will make more once I have time. Enjoy!