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I am a technologist exploring the ways modern technologies can enable broader cooperation across humanity.
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Pessimistic about blockchain

February 07
In my last blog post I shared my optimism about blockchain. I felt it was important to expand on the pessimistic view as well. Truthfully, I hold both perspectives in tension and it is a continual internal struggle of deciding which is most authentic and true at any given time.

Optimistic about blockchain

December 31
Like many technologists, blockchain technology starting with Bitcoin has been fascinating. I spent my share of 2017-2018 participating in speculation alongside tech coworkers, though only with money I was willing to lose (and I did lose most of it). I watched most of Tim Roughgarden's lectures about the math and theory behind blockchain, much of which was a repeat of my Computer Science masters degree coursework in distributed systems. I've also explored making my own smart contracts, learning a lot from this excellent video.

Part 3 - Are cooperative principles compatible with blockchain technology?

December 04
This blog post is Part 3 in a series about platform cooperatives and blockchain. Read the series introduction here.

Part 2 - A blueprint for cooperative funding on the blockchain

November 27
This blog post is Part 2 in a series about platform cooperatives and blockchain. Read the series introduction here.

Part 1 - The issue of trust

November 17
This blog post is Part 1 in a series about platform cooperatives and blockchain. Read the series introduction here.

Series Intro: Platform cooperatives and blockchain

November 17
Introduction to a blog post series reflecting on what platform cooperatives and blockchain-based decentralized applications can learn from one another.