STARV4 Data:
Current Price: $1.43 (down 1% from $1.44)
Burn on Transfer: 1.41%
Tax on Transfer: 0.01%
Total STARV4 Burned: 51,514 (up 580 from 50,934)
Total STARV4 Liquidity: $90K (down 21% from $114.8K)
STARV4 Data:
Current Price: $1.44 (up 2% from $1.41)
Burn on Transfer: 0.22%
Tax on Transfer: 0.03%
Total STARV4 Burned: 50,934 (up 20,252 from 30,682)
Total STARV4 Liquidity: $114.8K (down 11% from $129K)
StarSeeds Protocol has begun the process of migrating the majority of its Protocol Owned V2/V3.5 Quickswap Liquidity linto DodoX Private, Single Sided, Camelot V3.5, and Antfarm Arbitrage LPs on Arbitrum.