
The HMI Guy

The HMI Guy

Documenting my Web3 journey.
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Mock Web3 Project

The HMI Guy
November 12
I will be discussing the topic of ERC-721 smart contracts and specifically, the ERC-721A contract. The Ethereum Request for Comments (ERC) 721 is the standard for creating non-fungible tokens (NFTs). As the name suggests, NFTs are unique and cannot be replaced by another token. In contrast, fungible items such as Bitcoin, US dollars, and gold are interchangeable. The ERC-721 was proposed in January 2018 by William Entriken, Dieter Shirley, Jacob Evans, and Nastassia Sachs. Since then, many developers and projects have adopted this standard to create NFTs.

Interacting With A Deployed Smart Contract

The HMI Guy
October 24
Since ownerOf, walletOfOwner, totalSupply, and balanceOf have been declared but no implementation was provided, the contract uses the keyword abstract. These four functions are used in the parent contract (e.g. Balloontown).
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Installing and Using MetaMask

MetaMask is many things… From accessing Ethereum Dapps, to allowing users the ability to manage their assets within the wallet. MetaMask truly enables the end-user to have the freedom to explore the Web3 ecosystem without any roadblocks and securely.