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Towns is a decentralized chat protocol and messaging client centered around the idea of ownable Towns for web3 communities.
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The Towns Ecosystem

October 24
With Towns, our compass is set toward one horizon: building better online hometowns for communities. In a world where the digital realm encompasses more and more of our daily lives, this is more important than ever. To make this real, moving away from centralized platforms to a decentralized approach is the path forward. For each community and its members to be owners, there can’t be a reliance on a single centralized actor to set the rules.
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A New Foundation for Organized Online Groups

August 29
In traditional online communities, the platforms (Discord, Facebook, Telegram, etc.) set the rules for membership. Access is granted at the whim of centralized administrators, and members have no true ownership over their role in the community.
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Onchain Towns

July 13
In our digital age, online communities have emerged as the new social hubs. They are vibrant spheres of interaction brimming with creative energy that unite us across shared interests. Yet the power these communities wield is leased, not owned, as a result of the boundaries set by the platforms they live on. This disconnect has created a narrative that we’re now all used to where companies permit and revoke access according to their own agenda. With the advent of web3 and onchain ownership, the ability to mend this disconnect is finally possible. 
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The Towns Vision

February 23
We envision a world where you are free to express yourself. Where you define the borders, and you set the rules. We envision a world where you build what you want, how you want.