The Journey with VibeDAO
JoJo Comics - Page 2
JoJo Comics - Page 2

The journey forward will be documented in the very blog I am writing.

Hi, I am 0xVibe You can find me on Twitter here - Profile link.

Let’s get rolling then.
The straightforward plan is to build a Brand known for Art & Vibe culture. Take Vibeheads as an access token to this Art & Vibe ecosystem. But building an ecosystem is not easy, it’s a slow and steady process.

The best way to start was to plan a roadmap and focus on things step by step.

Let’s introduce Step 1 - VibeDAO

The aim here was to build a 50 member DAO of holders

  • Who trusts the team.
  • Who are willing to participate and take action in DAO events.
  • Who are positive about making the brand with the same vision and are willing to contribute to the journey.

You can read our vision doc here - Mirror Link

Why this DAO makes sense?

  • We believe, to make a project great, you just need 50 people who believe in you to start with. People who are willing to go that extra mile with you and support you on the journey.
  • We wanna launch multiple projects under this DAO where members will work as a team-B for us. This is how we can launch true community-driven projects.
  • This DAO is also a source of confidence and positivity we need as a team, many people miss on this but we have learned the hard way. It’s IMP.

In Short

  • DAO is common ground to test experiments with like-minded people.
  • Build a good network.
  • A learning curve for all members and us as a team.
  • An information share portal on NFT current events.
  • A collaborative opportunity for holders to launch their personal projects utilizing a DAO.
  • DAO members will have voting rights & ownership in future projects we are rolling.

Things Achieved so far

  • We have privately shared Phase-2 Roadmap with holders to build trust and clear them on our vision.
  • We have already achieved 25 members in DAO who applied for being DAO member.
VibeDAO initiates with 25 Strong members
VibeDAO initiates with 25 Strong members

Last but not the least, We are ready to launch Phase 2.

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