
Virtual Versions

Virtual Versions

We enable users to own their data and social identity, with a decentralized AI digital twin you can use anywhere.
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Virtual Versions Updates

Virtual Versions
September 06
Revolutionizing Digital Identity
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Unlocking the Future of Identity Protection: Virtual Versions Biometric ID

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, safeguarding our identities has become paramount. Virtual Versions, in collaboration with Atomic Biometrics, proudly introduces its groundbreaking Biometric ID technology, featuring hyper-realistic avatars as the visual representation of this innovative solution. Let's take a deep dive into the world of biometric identity and discover how Virtual Versions is reshaping the future.
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Building a New Era of Social Media: Empowering Individuals with AI-Powered Digital Twins

In an age where social media and digital interactions have become an integral part of our lives, the need for data ownership and privacy has never been more crucial. Enter the revolutionary platform, Virtual Version (VV), a trailblazing venture designed to restore control and autonomy to individuals by providing them with an AI-powered digital twin - a Virtual Version. This blog post delves into the transformative potential of VV, exploring how it aims to reshape the social media landscape and empower users in a decentralized future.
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Get the Virtual Versions OG NFT in the New Web3 Quest ๐Ÿ’Ž

The revolution of digital presence is just around the corner. Virtual Versions, the first social media where users own their identity and interact via AI-backed digital avatars, is winning the market (and the hearts)! We are now launching an IDO on DAO Maker and Bybit โ€“ and the Token Generation Event date will be announced soon.