We are pleased to announce the release of YoursDAO (https://www.yoursdao.xyz/).
YoursDAO is a DAO database platform that facilitates the matching of people who want to work for a DAO with DAOs who want to hire talented people. This project was born out of that.
I've been working with members of the YoursDAO community to gather information on DAOs around the world, and at this point we have about 150 DAOs listed. We've received a lot of positive feedback, and we've been able to gather some great community members.
In this note, I'd like to introduce what kind of world I'd like to create with the YoursDAO project, along with some future milestones.
โ Table of Contents
Mission of YoursDAO
The problem of not being able to find what you like and what you want to do
Opening up the creative constraints of people around the world
YoursDAO Milestone for Issuing Governance Tokens
1.YoursDAO achieved 1 million PV
2.Launch of swapout.io
Towards DAO. With the Community
To our beloved YoursDAO community members
YoursDAO is a project whose mission is to "increase the number of contributors to DAO and provide equal opportunities to people around the worldโ.
Through this mission, we will create a world where everyone can live doing what they love, regardless of race, birth, or background. This is the goal and vision we want to achieve with the YoursDAO project.
DAO is like a company without a CEO; it is a community of people who are united in the realization of a mission. I believe that the ideal DAO is one where each member has part ownership of the community and where the incentives of each member are aligned.
I believe that the ideal DAO is one in which each member has an incentive to work together.
I believe that by accomplishing the aforementioned mission, I can help people all over the world to have a vision of their own life, and this is also my personal life theme that I have been upholding for a long time.
I have seen many people who are tied down by their companies or bosses and spend their precious time in unfulfilling jobs, and I have seen many people close to me, including my family and friends, worry that they want to quit their jobs but have nothing to do.
Even though most people spend most of their lives working, I don't think there is anything more wasteful than wasting your days looking forward to the weekend. I'm fortunate enough to love the Internet, and I'm fortunate enough (I feel) to be able to do what I'm passionate about.
When you look back on your life (imagine the moment you die), there will be a big gap between the way you perceive your life: actively and passionately working hard at what you want to do, and passively and idly doing what you want to do.
I don't deny the latter because it's each person's own value system, but I believe that the world would be a more enjoyable place if more people spent their days like the former, and that there would be many benefits for myself as well.
In order to achieve this, first of all, I need to try out a lot of different jobs. I think it's always better to start with quantity rather than quality, and if you don't take as many actions as possible, you'll never know what you'll get into, but for some reason, that's not the case in the world of work.
DAO is a world where you can join a company for a day, move on if you don't like it, and repeat the process.
If we look at the world with a larger scope, we can see that the country of birth, color, religion, language, age, region of residence, and many other factors can limit a person's creativity and motivation, which is a big problem that somehow still exists in this age.
However, in the digital world, we are able to choose the environment we live in. In the digital world, we can choose the environment we want to live in. Online, we can contribute freely to the world through design, programming, writing, video, images, music, etc., without any physical limitations.
-A teenage designer living in Africa contributes to the Metaverse project in the U.S.
-A 50-something creator living in South America creates music for a Japanese game
-A programmer living in Southeast Asia writes a smart contract for a European crypto company
This way of working is the norm at DAO. It's anonymous, frictionless, no interview, no contract, no ID, no bank account.
There are many people in the world who don't have accounts or family registers, and I wonder if I'm the only one who's excited to think that the ideas and creativity of people in emerging countries who haven't yet come out into the world will be unleashed in the future.
This way of working is already common in web3 projects, and people in the Philippines are actually living off of crypto games (the game Axie is also made by a Vietnamese team).
Find a project that looks interesting, choose your area of expertise among the tasks required by the project, and upload your deliverables. If it's not a good fit, you can look for another project. If it's a good fit, you can make a more in-depth contribution and make it a full-time job as a core contributor.
Of course, there are no restrictions like in a traditional company, so you can hone your skills while completing tasks in other DAOs, increase your token assets (with upside), and deepen your ties with attractive community members.
It's a world where you can be valued for your own way of working, while striving for a mission with friends who share your values. Don't you think this way of working is more human and natural than today's less fluid and inflexible corporate organizations?
At YoursDAO, we are creating a world where anyone, regardless of their background, can do what they love and live only at DAO.
We recognize that there are two issues that need to be addressed in order to achieve this: 1) DAO discovery, and 2) task onboarding issues.
First, by July 2022, we will establish our position as the number one DAO job site in the world. We have set a goal of 1 million PV, and we will take every possible measure to achieve it.
First of all, we are planning to create content to achieve overwhelming quality in terms of both the number and quality of DAOs listed on YoursDAO, but to be honest, we are not in a position to do so at the moment because the number of core members is still small.
We are now fervently seeking early YoursDAO contributors who can work with us to improve DAO content in two areas: adding DAOs (number) and updating listed DAOs (quality).
As part of our efforts to improve quality, we will also be actively interviewing people who are already working on listed DAOs.
We have already interviewed famous DAOs such as InsureDAO and polygon, but if you are a DAO contributor who would be willing to be interviewed or write a review of a DAO, we would love to hear from you ๐๐ปโ๏ธ We will be working in English, so we are strongly looking for English speakers๐๐ป.
We're aiming to create a DAO version of LinkedIn that is 10 times easier to understand and more comprehensive than the official website, so that potential hires can share the company's LinkedIn page with their potential employers, and so that they can see the page on YoursDAO when they are introduced to DAO. We are still 0.1% of the way there, which is not good...).
One of the milestones we have set for the second half of 2022 is the launch of swapout.io, which will be the main product of YoursDAO in the future.
This will allow contributors to easily exchange their skills for DAO-issued tokens, and will serve as a bounty board to remove troublesome obstacles to contributing to DAO.
In a sense, YoursDAO solves the DAO discovery problem and swapout.io solves the onboarding problem. swapout.io can be used on each DAO page in YoursDAO, but it is a composable tool that can be used by any DAO. We will make it a composable tool that can be deployed independently within each DAO community.
There are already benchmark products such as rabbithole, Layer3, 0xStation, etc., but the synergy between YoursDAO and its community will create the advantage.
We will enrich the content of YoursDAO and refine the architecture of swapout.io to make it the first choice for people who want to contribute to DAO.
This is our goal for 2022, after which we plan to hold a token sale to help the community become a full DAO.
We are planning to monetize some of the token rewards on swapout.io as commissions, and we are planning to launch a token sale at the same time to develop it into a full DAO (we are still based in Japan, so we need to consider moving there soon...). (I'm still based in Japan, so I need to consider moving there soon... ๐ซ).
We are planning to prioritize the allocation of funds to early stage contributors, and we will design a system that will reward as many members as possible. This is still a long way off, but we hope to make it happen as soon as possible and maximize the number of YoursDAO stakeholders.
This is because YoursDAO needs to partner with all DAOs and empower all the talents of the web3 era.
We want to incentivize as many people as possible to have a YoursDAO token ($YDAO), because we want the product to be a hub for all layers of DAO, including DAO founders, people who are thinking about committing to DAO, and members who are already contributing to DAO.
I'm sorry that I haven't been able to convey my thoughts and ideas well enough to the members who have joined with high expectations (I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused by the switch to English and the incomprehensible contribution method... ๐๐ปโ๏ธ).
I wrote this note to the community members, hoping to give them some idea of what I'm thinking and what I'm going to do in the future.
In the beginning, we will probably prioritize speed and go top-down in order to start the business, but we will gradually transfer authority and ownership in order to become a full DAO. We are still far from the ideal DAO, but we would be happy if you could help us achieve the mission of YoursDAO.
Please check out the ๐ป#contribute channel on the YoursDAO Discord for a list of things we'd like to ask members to do and contribute.
By the way, (๐,๐), the name tag of YoursDAO, is a four-leaf clover. We hope that you will find the perfect DAO for you among the many available.