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IERC-20 Ethereum-based protocol extension program. A fairer inscription market.
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IERC DAO Governance Model

May 20
IERC DAO uses proposals to make decisions and adjust strategies. These proposals may originate formally or informally. Informal discussions typically occur on Telegram or Discord. If these discussions lead to the need for a formal proposal, a committee member should post the proposal as an issue on GitHub to gather community input. These initial proposals undergo refinement based on received feedback from the community members pulling out requests until they are ready to proceed. At this stage, the proposal on GitHub becomes the final version, with further edits restricted. Proposals requiring structured governance must be submitted to Snapshot (on-chain voting) for a formal vote by the $ethi holders or stakers.

DAO Governance Model

May 13
1.Proposal Process Overview

IERC Protocol News Update April 2024

May 01
In April, the crypto industry experienced the long-anticipated Bitcoin halving at block №840,000 (mined on April 20). Both Bitcoin and altcoins rallied ahead of it and entered a continued correction afterwards. Such events are truly impactful for the industry, with market participants competing for their spotlight and community’s attention. IERC-20 Protocol has been no stranger to big news and massive development work, either. Read this digest of major ecosystem news for April 2024 that is worth the community’s attention. TL;DR: Distributed Indexer developed, co-branded initiatives, networking in Hong Kong, a flood in Dubai, fees in $ethi, and a new $ethpi listing. Dive in!

IERC Protocol News Update March 2024

April 01
This March, Bitcoin reached a new all-time high, while the whole crypto market cap has been steadily rising to record highs. Speaking the fundamental-analysis language, the industry is moving towards a new altcoin season. Meanwhile, the ecosystem of the biggest altcoin Ethereum witnessed the much anticipated EIP-4844 (Dencun) upgrade a.k.a. Proto-danksharding that significantly reduced the cost of posting L2 rollup data to Ethereum mainnet via blobs. Now let’s see what happened to the Layer 1.5 super solution IERC-20 that carves its own way to improve the scalability of Ethereum. Read this digest of major ecosystem news worth the community’s attention for March 2024. TL;DR: the protocol’s development is going at full speed.
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IERC-20 News Update Feb 2024 (Part 2)

March 01
IERC-20 Protocol presents to you the digest of major ecosystem news worth the community’s attention in the second half of February 2024. TL;DR: the end of February turned out to be even busier and more productive than its start.
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IERC Community AMA - Feb 23rd

February 24
Q1) What are the upcoming functions of DPoS points? Will there be new PoW tokens? How do you evaluate the performance of the PoW scheme over the past month, and what are the plans for optimizing the PoW+DPoS mechanism?
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IERC-20 News Update Feb 2024 (Part 1)

February 15
IERC-20 Protocol presents to you the digest of major ecosystem news worth the community’s attention in the first half of February 2024. TL;DR: the protocol is pushing forward and up.
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Recap of IERC Protocol at Binance Live on 7th Feb

February 09
1.What is the IERC Protocol, and what major services does IERC-20 provide for its users?

IERC-20 Protocol Started Its First Governance Vote

February 08
On February 7, 2024, IERC-20 Protocol announced the major ecosystem milestone, marking a pivotal moment in the ongoing evolution of the Ethereum inscriptions ecosystem. The first-ever IERC Improvement Proposal IEIP-1 was launched on Snapshot, a fair governance tool and a voting platform that allows DAOs, DeFi protocols, and NFT communities to vote easily and without gas fees.