Shades of Reality

Shades of Reality

New York Times, USA Today, and Der Spiegel bestselling writer, editor, and writing coach. Creator and Founder of StoryEngines and StoryCraft
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Not a Fan of NFT Books? Might Want to Rethink That...

I’ve seen a fair number of authors and individuals in the publishing industry dismissing the idea of NFT books in recent days.
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The Blockchain Publishing Company to Watch

Shades of Reality
September 08
My previous article noted several of the blockchain publishing companies that I had researched in my quest to find a potential partner for my own publishing efforts. I promised I would reveal which company was my favorite and, more importantly why, in my next article, so if that’s of interest to you, stick around and keep reading!
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Literary NFTs and Blockchain Publishing

As a New York Times bestselling author entrepreneur, I am always on the lookout for ways to improve how I serve my readership and grow my career.
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NFTs for Authors and Publishers

I’ve been thinking a bit about the utility of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) for authors and publishers in today’s book market. As a professional novelist for more than twenty years, I’m highly interested in how blockchain technology and NFTs can benefit someone in the publishing space.