
Garvit Khatri

Garvit Khatri

Web3 and coffee enthusiast.
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My mirror address stolen

Garvit Khatri
November 18
Hey Everyone,
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How to store private keys securely in local storage?

Garvit Khatri
November 14
Use the browser's crypto API to encrypt the messages using user's password and save them safely in localStorage.

The beginning - EPF #1

Garvit Khatri
November 07
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My Experience with Polygon <> Devfolio Fellowship

Garvit Khatri
September 13
As we know all good things must come to an end, Polygon <> Devfolio Fellowship is also at the turn where we have to bid farewell. I am writing this blog to give you a sneak peek at my Fellowship experience, what to expect, why you should apply and how to apply (If it happens next year).
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The current state of Account Abstraction

Garvit Khatri
August 15
Learn about the current state & contribute to documentation, web & native clients, node implementations and many other ways. Start today.

How will you transition from Metamask to Smart Contract Wallets?

Garvit Khatri
August 02
GM Everyone!
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Future of your Ethereum wallets

Learn how Account Abstraction is the future of Ethereum's wallets! How you will have more secure wallets, pay gas fees in multiple tokens or have a gassless experience.
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Polygon Fellowship Proposal 1 - Paymaster as a service

Brief Overview
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Polygon Fellowship Builders Track Application

I recently got selected for batch 2022 for Polygon Fellowship’s Builders Track. Here are my answers & the projects that I submitted in my proposal.