


Simple and short articles on cognitive biases and Web3. We believe that all the troubles in the world are due to a lack of education.
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DeSci: Fighting confirmation bias in science

April 25
Despite confirmation bias being a widely recognized cognitive bias, it poses a particular danger to scientific research. In the scientific field, confirmation bias can distort results and lead to incorrect conclusions, which can have serious consequences for humanity as a whole.
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Web3 - Good or Evil? The Path is Up to You

April 14
If you were to ask a person what they believe in, their first thought would likely be religion, followed by friendship, love, and other similar concepts. However, we rarely consider our beliefs in regard to companies, money, and other things whose value exists solely in our minds.
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What if you lack empathy?

April 05
There is an interesting cognitive bias known as the "curse of knowledge," where one mistakenly believes that others have all the necessary information to make decisions or understand something. Often, those who fall victim to this bias lack empathy.
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Can you be a biology-based racist?

March 28
Strangely enough, humans have an automatic negative brain response to other races. In a way, your attitude towards people is embedded in your subconscious.
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Does stress amplify the feeling of fear?

March 20
Why do you feel indifferent when there is an apocalypse going on?