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Collaborating without contributing is freeloading

January 27
Participation trophy child’s definition of collaboration A common definition of collaboration that I’m encountering more frequently is “being or having been involved.” It stems from a belief that showing up is enough and participation alone is a legitimate contribution—it’s not.
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3 (new) reasons why you should never say “it’s not personal”

January 16
It is a controversial phrase, yes—here’s how I think about it and why I steer clear of using it.
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Who you are is what you do, period.

January 13
Most peoples’ views about themselves are as good as garbage—95% of people believe they are self-aware but only 10-15% truly are. Here are our illuminating exercises to determine which camp you fall into.
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the #1 communication skill that will supercharge your interpersonal dynamics

January 13
Most people could benefit from improving their communication skills. The #1 piece of advice I give to people on the topic is: define your variable or terms.
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How effortless people approach personal growth and why it’s more effective

January 09
We’ve all encountered effortless people—or people we perceive to be effortless or naturally talented—here’s three simple ways they differ from most people.