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I'm a researcher and builder. I value creativity and long-term thinking
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Braintrust DAO empowers BTRST: How the new upgrade impacts the tokenomics

January 27
The Braintrust protocol is for-seeing all-time highs in user growth. The network has accomplished the mission of building a decentralized infrastructure layer for directly connecting talent to clients without requiring intermediaries. The strategic decisions of the Braintrust DAO directly impact the future of the protocol.
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Whales on our radar

January 15
NFT Whales have been our go to resource for finding the latest NFT investing strategies. Investing is all about seeing what other people don’t, spotting opportunities and being early to trends. Whales have been making the headlines in the past year. From buying Punk 4156 at the crazy price of 2500 ETH -roughly $10M- to collecting Apes and Generative art, Whales are breaking records in market share. From NFTGo’s latest stats, 860 Whales are occupying over 27% off the entire NFT market cap.
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How the novel investment in BrainTrust can transform Web3

December 30
Blockchains are pivoting to becoming the most disruptive technological breakthrough of our age. The transparent nature of blockchains makes it possible to share value amongst participants and track valuable contributions in a transparent and decentralized way. Powered by decentralized smart contracts, BrainTrust is a publicly distributed network that connects talent to organizations. The white paper states that: BrainTrust is the fastest-growing Web3 network in the past 18 months. In just Q3, the network saw a 13x growth in the community. The chart below visualizes the breakthrough BrainTrust had in community growth since its initial launch on mainnet.
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The rise of NFT DAOs

December 30
The dynamics of governance, democracy, and community formation are all fascinating topics to discuss. These topics merge in the concept of DAOs. With the rise of DAOs such as the constitution DAO, the potential for these organizations is vast.
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A mathematical approach to NFT rarity estimation

December 11
You might have just paid 20K for an NFT, but was it worth it?