Itâs been some time since Defi saw some real innovation. Uptil now we have seen these Defi applications - Money Markets, AMMs, Collateralized Debt Position (CDP) style stablecoins, rebasing tokens, Principal tokens and Yield tokens, bonding, restaking, Perpetuals and some few others. All of above mechanisms are core innovations because these are sustainable business models formed without much reliance on any external entity. Some reliance of external parties is needed as every one of these systems have some edge cases which need readily available keepers or profit seeking entities willing to act to stabilise the system in case of divergence. 
Everyone of above mechanism have a capability to generate revenues and income in itself just like corporations achieve cash flows through services or products. None of them need a reliance of any fiat asset or RWA to generate income. Instead everyone of them can stay in the realm of the crypto or on-chain world and can generate revenues in a censorship resistant manner.  
But the space has been just recycling and forking these concepts with some minor tweaks for the past 3 years now. Itâs the same thing again and again and being repeated across different blockchains glamorised in a form of new token, incentives, some addition of long tail assets, addition of RWAs etc. 
People have now started feeling that whatever was possible in Defi has happened and now itâs unlikely that a new sustainable business model will come. 
But we at Autonomint have built something that has the characteristics of becoming a sustainable business model over time. By sustainable business model I mean, something which can generate revenue and cash flows by satisfying some unmet needs of the market and without any token reliance. 
I would like to start by stating the example of Maker DAO.