
Crypto Pepper花椒

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Bitcoin 101 <Lighting Network>

Bitcoin Lighting network are known for its micro-payments, and yet people have little understanding of how powerful this can be.&#x20; I am going to break down piece by piece in a human readable language to explain the overall process.&#x20; let's say we have a Bob and Alice want to do a payment transaction with each other, they need to "open a conversation line" (payment channel). They each put 5 dollars into a shared "lockbox" (multisig address) to start a channel that allows two-way messages.
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深度聚焦:BTC Gold Standard项目研报

GoldStandard Protocol是一个旨在在比特币生态系统内创建抵押支持的稳定币的项目,称为$Gold。该项目旨在利用比特币网络的力量和安全性,提供由真实比特币持有支持的稳定数字资产。主要目标是让用户抵押他们的比特币并获得$Gold稳定币,$Gold的价值将与比特币实时价值的特定百分比相挂钩。(我用Chatgpt翻译他们gitbook介绍,太懒了)

BendDAO Research By James Yan - Oxpepper.eth - Medium

BendDAO, a platform that makes NFTs as collateral for loans to borrowers

Everything You Need to Know About IXO on Binance Smart Chain(2021)

Coinbase’s market capitalization in preparation for its IPO did not exceed $100 billion as we expected, but it did make investors take a formal look at cryptocurrency trading platforms. The best logic to convince investors is the hot trading market. Since February, BNB, the platform token of the Binance exchange, has rocketed from $40 to $550, up to 13 times of profit. The value of BNB as a native token on the Binance exchange platform is immeasurable.
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「爆肝5天」Solana夏季黑客松Web3 400+项目梳理,赶紧埋伏+空投预期

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近几年来,NFT逐渐成为加密行业中的重要组成部分之一,吸引着越来越多的市场参与者,NFT交易市场日益受到广泛的关注。NFT(Non-Fungible Token)的表现形式和落地场景是在区块链技术的加持下,通过「智能合约」的方式记录艺术品或收藏品等虚拟数字资产的所有权,并确保这些权利在链上具有独一无二、不可替代、不可分割、可编程性、可追溯性、永久保存等特点。
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10X 的Moonbird和他的创始人Kevin Rose

💡 Moonbird是一万个头像集合的NFT项目,持有moonbird 可以被用来解锁proof collective这个私人discord频道