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Nick Confrey

Nick Confrey

Founder getseam.xyz | Ex-Facebook | @UChicago | | 📖 Will read any book you recommend
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Context Collapse in Social Networks

Nick Confrey
October 21
Context Collapse is the phenomenon in social network graphs when there are multiple audiences being served by the same communication channel, leading to an increased quality bar for engaging with the network. This audience problem causes abandonment of mature social graphs towards new social graphs as a way of starting fresh.
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The Remixable Internet

(Adapted from a talk given at NFT NYC 2022).
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Social data on-chain?! Building the future of social networks in web3

Nick Confrey
March 23
Blockchains are immutable and public, so we must be careful about the data stored on them. Social networks are the next opportunity for web3, but given their different data storage requirements only limited data should be stored directly on-chain.
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Why I Left Facebook to Build in Web3 Social

Nick Confrey
March 08
Here are my top 3 reasons for building BingBong Inc in the web3 space: