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Introducing the Community Platform Validator for the general subnet s2

October 18
The general subnet s2 has been around in Commune for a while, but so far has not been properly utilized. The main reason for this is the lack of user interface and tooling. Today, this changes. We have developed a comprehensive web platform to realize the potential of s2, making it easy for Commune Stakeholders to interact with the subnet and for the s2 DAO to manage the continuous module curation process. Every type of interaction with the subnet can now be done through the web frontent.

Commune Global Stake Update Summary

July 05
On june 14th, we submitted the Global Stake Proposal. June 21th, the DAO reached majority agreement passing it. After going into a development sprint, on july 5th, we successfully deployed to devnet starting an extensive testing phase. Soon, we will deploy to testnet and finally to mainnet.

Commune DAO incentives - breakdown of the Governance update

June 07
Today the recent Goverance Proposal was implemented.

How to apply for the general subnet whitelist

May 01
The general subnet 0 is transitioning to run on a actively curated whitelist of modules. For you to earn rewards on subnet 0, your module needs to be included in the whitelist by getting agreement of the s0 Module Curation DAO on its value to Commune.

Module Curation DAO evaluation criteria

May 01
Every Module that wants to operate on the general subnet 0 has to be approved onto its whitelist by the Module Curation DAO. The DAO is a diverse set of longterm community members from different parts of the community that evaluates s0 modules on their value proposition to commune. This blog is meant as a guidance and orientation on what to consider for both the DAO and module applicants.

scaling knowledge extraction from closed-source models on Commune

April 24
Synthetic data has emerged as a crucial component in the training of advanced models. Major AI labs have long recognized its potential and are actively utilizing it to train their models.

economics of the general subnet and its DAO

April 22
After the incentives v1 update, subnet 0 will be the only subnet where generality is technically possible. This is because Yuma Consensus is enacted on all other subnets, forcing them to specialize on a focused mining competition. Giving subnet 0 a unique and important role in Commune as the "general subnet".

TLDR of how Commune proposals work

April 13

The rise of decentralized Commune governance

April 13
Until now, us comrads have lacked the tools to express their opinions and ideas effectively to the protocol. Stakeholders were unable to actively participate in the governance of Commune beyond allocation of rewards, relying on central authority. Today this changes.