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The inspiration for the Ethernaut CFT

April 22
Some aspects have given me deep impressions since I touch the smart contracts. 1 Security. The classic Dao attack and on-chain hacker attack incidents keep demonstrating security's huge critical role.
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Ethernaut CFT的触发

April 18
自从开始接触智能合约,有关智能合约编程的几个方面一直让我印象深刻,1 是安全,这可以从以太坊经典事件DAO攻击以及此起彼伏的链上黑客攻击体会安全性在整个行业的重要性;2 是gas优化,对于gas优化可能现在由于不是牛市,以及layer2层逐渐完善导致的gas费降低,对这方面的关注在变淡,但我认为gas是基础,某些情况下其重要性可能会凸显,我猜想可能类似于量化投资中对于速度的要求,如果未来随着用户量的指数级上升,将会有可能再次引起人们对于gas的关注,另外一方面,智能合约每一步的运行最终都会转化为opcode,而每一个opcode都会消耗一定量的gas,这是整个EVM的运行的基础,也是了解以太坊核心的基础。3 则是智能合约之间的复杂调用关系,很多情况下随着业务复杂度的上升其调用关系也变得复杂,甚至有点扑朔迷离。我这里面所指的是CA合约CA合约之间的调用关系。

Which topics should give more attention in web3(2)?

November 06
The ultimate form of products should satisfy the users' needs no matter the technology; the user may be customers, institutions, third-party research agency... So not only having a basic understanding of the basic technical knowledge but also the products based on the technology is a plus. Many services or products are emerging, which include the infrastructure services based on the blockchain and products involved the defi, nft, sofi, though we can be sure that many of these products can only survive for a short time. Now the dominated it services mostly have built on cloud services, so we can compare the blockchain and cloud services

Which topics should give more attentions in web3(1)?

October 28
The uniswap first appeared in my world, which made me astonishing and excited. The back-end services behind the uniswap, which anyone can interact with, aren't based on centralized services. The tries involving the dex before uniswap have existed for a long time, but the user experiences、user activities、transaction amount of these tries have lived in a limited range. When I see the gelto(, my first thought is that bring the timed tasks into on-chain. All these things inspired me to feel more interested in the new world; I think mind\_like people can have more fun in the new world.


October 18
无论是基于什么技术,最终产品形态都是基于使用者,这里的使用者可以是用户,机构,第三方分析机构。基于blockchain架构的基础设施以及对应类型的产品如defi,nft,sofi… 等呈现快速涌现的趋势,尽管可能这里面有很多产品是昙花一现。


October 10
我第一次看见uniswap的时候,挺震惊与兴奋的。不是建立在任何中心化的服务器上,任何人任何时候都可以去进行交易。去中心化交易所的尝试之前也不是没有过,但之前这类dex是无论从用户使用体验,还有用户量,还有交易金额都基本上都是相当于小众的玩物。当又看到gelato, 第一反应这不就是把定时自动化任务搬到链上了。随即触发了我的兴趣点,模糊与朦胧之中感觉到这里面有很多好玩的事情。

What are my thoughts about Ethereum smart contract development?

July 06
I wanted to build my fundamental technical knowledge about the blockchain and Ethereum last year. The direct reason is that the appearance of uniswap is a shock to me and makes me think of more possibilities and opportunities in the new world. Making this decision depends on the below factors:
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June 23


March 26