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Anand Arora

Anand Arora

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How is your mind related to water?

Water, or H2O, is a fascinating thing on this planet. Almost 71 % of this planet is water, and one can debate the remaining 29% solid (non-watery stuff) is mainly linked to \*water. \*Nearly all living beings need water for their survival, primarily for drinking, cooking, cleaning, bathing, transportation, industrial purposes and many more. However, there is one unique characteristic of water that many of us might not have noticed (at least I didn’t for a long time)
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NFTs Primer - Basic Concepts, History & Buy/Sell

Anand Arora
March 02
NFTs or Non-fungible tokens have taken the entire world by storm in 2021 and proved that an unimaginable, unthinkable revolution can take off mainstream at an exponential speed in a digitally connected world. However, NFTs are not a spin-off from the blockchain technology but rather an extension in Web3, of a concept that has long existed since centuries - that of proof of ownership. It could be that of a rare piece of art, collectible, statue, or even a document.
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Why do we need a dedicated metaverse for Engineers & Creators?

Anand Arora
February 26
I am starting this article by defining the digital space for engineers and creators in a nutshell right now. If you are a developer or a creator (entrepreneur, designer, product person, et al.), what is your digital signature and footprint in 2021? I am guessing depending on whether you are a beginner to advanced, your world revolves around :