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Railway - impression

After V. Buterin gave some funds to the Railway project, I was curious to try it. I am a sucker for all anything that boosts privacy. That is why I wrote clear-wallet. I also used a lot of privacy tech long before web3.
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Easy Warp Login Browser Extension

April 27
I wrote a few days ago a browser extension that lets you log in to without using a mobile device.
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Clear Wallet at version 1.3.3

February 12
I first wrote Clear Wallet in 2022. Somewhere around August 2022, it was in the Chrome Store. I wrote it because back then, I loathed what Meta Mask offered. It was sluggish, especially when using many accounts, and it lacked the features I wanted, so I set out to write the wallet I needed.
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Why Threads might be relevant

August 10
After countless articles about the social media platform Threads, it finally appears that things have cooled off. Now most latest articles already concluded that this social platform was a fad. It's erroneous as momentarily only wishful thinking is what can sustain the prediction that Threads will surely fade rapidly.
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Lens, after more than a year

I was planning to write this a month before as such parts of this article here will be a bit outdated, but still, if you have time and read it entirely, I'll piece together some newer aspects too.
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PartyTown On SvelteKit

March 07
To start, I'll say what party town is, in a nutshell: it's a tool to get some of your execution out of the main thread and into a worker. It's doing that by communicating between the worker and the main thread, which will primarily execute DOM updates.
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SvelteKit Blog that runs on Deno Serverless

February 21
Just converted and deployed this blog on Netlify. So I've been exploring svelte, and svelteKit, and I was looking to refresh my old blog that is in a neglected state. When I started this blog was 2007, and then it was of course, a WordPress blog, but I deleted most of the old articles partly because a lot of them were in my native language and also because I didn't feel like they should still be accessible like I said I can admit content was always low frequency and low effort.
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Clear EVM Wallet

November 18
I made this wallet in the course of two weeks based on Ethers, Ionic and Vue. Right now, it is built solely as a chrome extension wallet, but I used Ionic in case I will make later from the same code base a mobile/desktop variant.
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State of WEB3 social platforms ambitions

October 16
In the probable case that the title is not making much sense, this text will be about the current web3 social platforms ambitions.