


Your friendly neighborhood web3 product manager and researcher. Helping folks think more thoughts that matter.
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An Ode to the Eternal Explorer

January 01
Often pedestalized and rarely well defined is the ability of certain folks to maintain a childlike curiosity as they age. From the late-blooming artists to the midlife polyglots, there’s something utterly attractive about those who manage to fend off a state of finality, electing instead to engage in a lifelong intellectual meander. I have come to believe that intentional practice, not happenstance alone, most often creates such a person.
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The Time Traveling Caveman

May 29
Last night, I was having a conversation with two friends about my recent travels when one mentioned how impressive it was that I didn’t seem to suffer from jet lag going either direction. I told them that it seems my sleep/wake cycles track the light very closely and so, wherever I am, I find my sleep schedule quickly adapts to match the relative light exposure. One friend, quite amused, quipped that my light-adaptive sleep behaviors would’ve served me quite well in the time of the caveman. To this I contested that it probably wouldn’t have mattered much in the time of the caveman, because access to long distance transit mechanisms was non-existent and thus they likely wouldn’t have had the means to experience many time zones anyways.
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Mapping the Web3 Identity Landscape

May 14
A deep dive into user-centric ownership, portability and composability, identity frameworks, fraud prevention, DAO assembly, and beyond.