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E(frog)mily Lin(ea)

E(frog)mily Lin(ea)

Aspiring frog queen, dungeon master, and dev 🥑 for Linea Find me on my couch playing turn-based RPGs croak I love efrogs
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Write a zk circuit with gnark in Go

Get ready - there is a lot of zk math jargon in here which might not be relevant for every audience.
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Building a NFT Ticketing Platform

In this tutorial, we’ll be doing a walkthrough of updating Consensys’ eventsea repo to use Foundry, highlighting some key gotchas in running it locally and on Linea on your machine. This repo is one of many sample use case oriented dapps to showcase how to build end-to-end, leveraging Linea for fast and cheap transactions and MetaMask SDK for smooth connections to MetaMask mobile and desktop. If you want to see the completed code for the Foundry version we’ll be going over here, head over to my Github here.
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A dummy's guide to Farcaster frames pt. 1 (the poll tutorial)

Low-key this is like one of those recipe posts that start with way too much exposition cause Google search has broken SEO that prioritizes length when all you want is the ingredients and instructions god\*mmit.