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Feisty Doge NFT🐶📸

Feisty Doge NFT🐶📸

Musings from FeistyDAO & friends about culture, art, and crypto
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What is Provenance?

A short manifesto on the aims of the DAO. A live copy of this is hosted on feistydoge.art/provenance
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NFD Interviews: Kat Darden

The markets were tanking, and everyone was being dramatic on Twitter, so it just seemed fitting to have art imitate life with this story...
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NFD Interviews: rdpCrypt.eth

"Memes transcend culture! "
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NFD Interviews: Jeff McCurry

As it turns out, his recurring statement, "Crazy stuff finds me," is an understatement.
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NFD Interviews: Path

Social media and its attention algorithms are military grade psychological weapons, controlling what information is seen, from memes to news.