Beach Coolers: Building a CC0 Brand3 through NFT’s Services
September 2nd, 2022

Making NFTs Cool Again

We travel back to the golden decades of the 70's and 80's to bring you a drop of NFTs that provide much more than strategic design services. Just as the Mediterranean coasts brought many visitors to enjoy our culture, now we want to attract the best builders of the Web3 ecosystem to create with us Beach Coolers.

The Brand3 CC0 that will offer unique experiences and that we want to evolve with the participation of the community.

“Every revolution starts with an idea”
* Free Leaders On Collective

NAAS: NFT as a Service

NFTs at your service
NFTs at your service

For some years now we have had the desire to make our work more tangible. Especially because many of the things we do are intangible. This is why we wanted to innovate and experiment in the environment in which we move: Strategic Design Services specialized in the Web3 ecosystem.

We are pioneers in creating design services through NFTs. Non-Fungible Tokens and Smart Contracts help us create a powerful connection with the projects that dare to get them and use them. We saw this last year when we first launched this limited edition. NFTs at your Service.

This experiment helped us to understand and extend the possibilities of NFTs and their usefulness. It was successful and created links with great crypto projects like Metacartel Ventures and D4. But we need to go further, keep evolving to keep improving. These are the reasons why we present Beach Coolers, a collection of NFTs that give the holder much more than strategic design services. Will you join us in this journey from the past to the future?

Brand3: The new era of brands

Brand3 is a laboratory to explore the possibilities of Web3 ecosystem brands.
Brand3 is a laboratory to explore the possibilities of Web3 ecosystem brands.

The first thing we need to understand is what a brand is.

And it really is something that is in our mind and is based on mutual trust between the different people around it. We like to compare brands to the concept of money. Both elements are not material realities, they are psychological constructions. They work when we convert matter into mind.

Money is the most universal and efficient system of mutual trust ever invented.
Yuval Noah Harari.

Brands are the imaginary representation of a business, project or person. It is an emotional connection through which people share values.

The brand represents the vision, the security, the consistency, the status, the membership that allows human beings to be themselves.

A brand is the combination of perception and emotion.

The goal of a brand is to create and maintain trust, it means delivering on promises. Wally Ollins.

For those who want to go deeper into the evolution of branding, we recommend this article: Stephen King 1971: What is a brand?

At FLOC* we have worked with many native brands in the crypto world: MetaFactory, Polygon, Sushi, Bankless… It is through this experience that we have been motivated to promote Brand3.

But, what is #Brand3?

The evolution of brands
The evolution of brands

It is still too early to define it. It could be a method, a process, a research lab, a repository or whatever you want it to be... Because we really want to make Brand3 a collaborative and open idea. That's why we've been talking about it for some time in our community calls, on twitter or even in a newsletter. Together with designers, strategists, creatives, clients, partners, etc. We want to build it together!


This is one of the reasons why we did the temporary rebranding of FLOC*. We adapted to the Beach Coolers aesthetic and its world of inspiration to bring it into our core brand. This is another exercise to show that Web3 brands are living beings and adaptable to the moments of the community.

CC0 Summer: For the culture!

Boost your creativity through CC0 Brand3
Boost your creativity through CC0 Brand3

During this summer we have experienced a growth in CC0 projects such as Loot, Nouns, Tiny Dinos, mfers o Moonrunners. Brands that represent the #Brand3 vision and offer their content to anyone who wants to collaborate or create a new version or parallel project. It is such a revolution in aspects such as hyper-creativity or scalability that even A16Z by the hand of @flashrekt and @skominers has published a great article that shows the situation of this concept: Why NFT Creators Are Going cc0.

We have evaluated with all the participants of this drop the positive and negative points of creating Beach Coolers under “Creative Commons Zero” (“cc0”) license. After several deliberations and other legal consultations we have ended up with the same premise as always: Why not?

Inspired by the golden age of spanish tourism
Inspired by the golden age of spanish tourism

The Nostalgic Drop: The tribute of an epoch

"All nostalgia has some places of pleasure...
To these places #BeachCoolers is moving to these places to take you to #Web3.”
Victor Carazo

The idea came over a beer. We were in the studio and we wanted to create the second season of PackFLOC*. We were thinking about how to accompany our $BIRRA and the best combination was that object that always accompanies us when we go to disconnect and enjoy: The beach cooler.

A container that keeps our favourite beverage in perfect condition and that has always remained unchanged as the center of endearing stories. We focus on a specific period in history to pay homage and toast to the good things it brought. The 70's and 80's were a time of liberation and exploration but also of attracting a new public. Millions of people were able to experience the pleasure of a unique culture, art, music and gastronomy.

Each unique beach cooler has surprises inside...
Each unique beach cooler has surprises inside...

Each NFT is unique (1/1) and offers a different service from one of our specialties: Branding, Digital Product, Crypto Strategy, Communication or Audiovisual Content. In addition, each cooler pays tribute to a mythical place of the coast. And of course, music could not be missing. Thanks to Sr. Guayaba we have the rhythm that helps to contextualize the whole work: musical versions of great songs of the time.

The drop will be periodic. Every 2 weeks we will release a Beach Coolers NFT. We will announce the dates on our social networks. Stay tuned to our Twitter or Discord.

Service packs and much more...
Service packs and much more...

Perks: Everything you can imagine

Each NFT gives its owner the right to redeem it for the corresponding contracted services, access to exclusive channels in our community and exclusive Beach Coolers content.

And, of course, its corresponding reward in $BIRRAS.

Use the Brand3 to do what you want to do or to benefit from sales
Use the Brand3 to do what you want to do or to benefit from sales

In addition to the services and benefits of each NFT, we want to offer some benefits 
for achieving SOLD OUT before the summer of next year:







Don't miss it and follow the news here: Beach Coolers

$BIRRA: Because there is nothing more social than a good cold beer.


Our Social Token $BIRRA is the vehicle that is driving the creation of FLOC*DAO. It is therefore a fundamental part of this whole ecosystem that we are generating. We are currently distributing the retroactive airdrop and then the retributions will arrive, whether you are a partner client, a builder or a member of the community. It will help us to have a voice and vote in the community and to finance the projects that are created from the DAO. If you need more information we recommend you to read “A Creative Society Needs Beer”.

For partners who have already worked with us there are discounts for owning $BIRRAS that will be applied when minting any of the NFTs.


We are creating the DAO of strategic design services that brings ideas from the Web3 ecosystem to life. Now we're experimenting through the #Brand3 concept and we're going to do it with Beach Coolers: A drop of NFTs as a Service. These are beach coolers that are much more than services. A CC0 Brand with many benefits and all fostered through our social token $BIRRA. A tribute to Spanish culture and the mythical places of the 70's and 80's. Will you join us on this trip?

Beach Coolers by FLOC*
Beach Coolers by FLOC*
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