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fommes πŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

fommes πŸ¦‡πŸ”Š

working for the suits by day, a frog fighting for the cause by night
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RedStone Oracles: my personal bull case

Hey, fam! In the ever-shifting realm of crypto, we know that integrating real-world data into the blockchain ain't no walk in the park. But fear not, 'cause RedStone Oracles is here to shake things up, bringing a decentralized, scalable, and slick solution to the table. Let's dive deep into the tech behind RedStone Oracles and see how it's gonna flip the script for blockchain apps.
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What keeps me motivated in web3 during bear market

We are supposedly in a full-blown bear market right now - that is usually the time when almost everyone has lost interest and probably found more important IRL things to do. But strangely I don't have that impression at all, it seems everyone is highly motivated. Maybe I live just in a bubble. But I can't help off - there is just so much to do in the space right now now, I can't barely find time to even consider whether to take some time off. And honestly this bear market has finally washed out bad actors. Let the dust settle, in it for the tech now.
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Options Basics - Crypto version

If you don’t come from a financial background just like me, options can be quite overwhelming. Let's try to break them down in an easy to understand way.
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Introduction to crosschain swaps with Li.Finance

In this article I will review the bridge aggregator Li.Finance li.fi and I will make the case for why in the foreseeable future it might be an essential tool for DeFi users.