
decentralizing global health

decentralizing global health

i talk about global health and web3, sometimes together and always in bite-sized pieces.
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offchain decentralized ledger

Yap state in Micronesia uses a currency that might be the earliest version of the blockchain!
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the untapped potential of cc0 in global health

cc0 biosand water filters can improve access to clean water worldwide. why can't we proliferate them like we do cc0 nft projects?
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migratory patterns of rare nurses

Exploring the intricacies of global nursing crisis. Should we hire from abroad? What about developing technology?
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i don't know shit about fuck

an outrage against performative outrage
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power and authority: whose voice matters?

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decentralizing health records without the blockchain

NFC technology as an alternative to empower patients with decentralized health records ā€” offline and offchain.
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baby apes and one health

On naming baby gorillas, uplifting rural communities, and One Health approach to health security
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ukraine war and the power of digital wallets in crisis

Crypto's role in the Ukraine war highlights digital wallets' potential, not just in finance but in healthcare, offering hope for the most vulnerable
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blockchain basics

Exploring the simple, bare basics of blockchain: from everyday cash transactions to the potential of decentralized healthcare records. Dive into the future!