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LDX Farming Program

April 19
Over the last 3 years the Lyra ecosystem has expanded from an options AMM to include a Chain, Protocol, Exchange and Wallet, becoming the first capital efficient and composable primitive for perps and options trading on any ERC-20.
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0DTE Options: The Most Powerful Tool in Finance

April 03
In a recent Wall Street Journal video, reputed WSJ Markets reporter Gunjan Banerji stated that the stock market’s shift to 0DTE options is one of the biggest pivots she has seen in markets in the past decade. As the video highlighted, 0DTE options have exploded in popularity in the past year. They’re the cheapest form of leverage in the financial universe, and their popularity is increasing at a rapid rate.
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0DTEs: Stocks vs Crypto options

April 03
"Options provide the cheapest access to leverage."
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Best Options Trading Tutorials

March 21
For those venturing into the world of options trading, the journey may initially appear overwhelming. Fortunately, the digital landscape is rich with educational content designed to unravel the complexities of this intricate field. Through a careful examination of numerous online tutorials, we have curated a list of the top five resources to embark on your options trading journey.
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Anabolic Basis Trading on Lyra

March 13
Savvy traders are earning superhuman yields basis trading during Lyra Launch Season:
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Trading Incentives: Lyra V2's Ignition

February 07
Lyra Finance V2 introduces a focused trading incentives program:
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Introducing Cross-Asset Collateral & Portfolio Margin

February 06
Portfolio margin on Lyra V2 offers you unparalleled capital efficiency by assessing the risk of your positions holistically rather than in isolation. This translates to more buying power and leverage, lower margin requirements, and ultimately — more optionality.
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BTC ETF PVP: Lyra V2’s Booster Stage

December 15
The BTC ETF PVP competition is the red carpet on which Lyra V2 will roll out. V2 just veered onto the freeway, and it’s making aggressive lane changes. Buckle up. Crypto assets move fast, but crypto options move even faster. V2 is here and ready for prime time. The BTC ETF PVP coincides with the platform's inauguration, setting the stage for an influx of liquidity and a flurry of volatility. The campaign focuses on one asset, one instrument, and one expiry — the Jan. 12th BTC options market. Stay tuned for a flurry of market alpha. We will be producing high-signal educational content that breaks down Jan. 12th expiry flows, giving you nuanced insights into one of the biggest trading events of the year. We are committed to delivering distinguished educational content that illuminates the circuitry of this year's most significant trading event. Lyra V1 took crypto options from 0-1. V2 will take them from 1-100.
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V2 Liquidation Engine

December 12
In this article, we explain Lyra V2's liquidation engine and how this benefits traders.