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"Metaverse": Value + Rev Gen Opportunities

August 30
As a follow-on to my last post, “Metaverse": Value Drivers, I wanted to identify quick hits in terms of value and/or revenue generation opportunities. Let me know if you have more for the list.
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"Metaverse": Value Drivers

August 19
The idea of the metaverse goes back decades. Second Life, a virtual gathering place that started in the aughts, is one of the oldest. Fortnite, a video game with a building component, is a newer, more sophisticated example, as are Roblox and Minecraft.
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NFT: Technical, Functional, and Hedonic Value Multipliers

February 16
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs) are priced differently from their fungible counterparts like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). The value of NFTs varies depending on their category, design, and in some instances financial rights or utility. As more and more people are starting to learn about NFTs the question that still remains unanswered is,
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Web 3.0: The Web We Need

January 31
The internet is the world’s most popular computer network that began as an academic research project in 1969 and became a global commercial network in the 1990s. Today it is used by more than 4.7 billion people around the world and has intertwined ever more deeply with our daily lives. Most people access internet content using a (worldwide) web browser like Chrome and Safari. Indeed, the web has become so popular that many people incorrectly treat the internet and the web as synonymous. But in reality, the web is just one of the many internet applications built on the internet. Other popular internet applications include email, BitTorrent, video games, chat or voice communication, and several others.
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NFT: Non Fungible Terms

January 26
It is quite an arduous process to sift through all the noise in the NFT-verse. And what’s even more confusing are the terms that are used collectively to describe various aspects of an NFT. Below you will find some of the common terms that are used across the industry in relation to NFTs.