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OG Studio

OG Studio

OG studio is a full stack, daring Web3 studio. Built by cryptonatives, built for the ownership generation.
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How blockchain and educational certification are a match made in heaven

OG Studio
January 08
How are blockchain and educational certification a match made in heaven? OG Studio helped Dubai based consulting firm Scopernia with NFT certification and content for their Web3 summer class.
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Enter the Meritverse

OG Studio
May 24
“Apes and virtual worlds are all fun and stuff but I don’t see the point of NFTs? Why are you so convinced that NFTs will be disruptive technology in the future?”. A question\* that we, at OG Studio, get a lot.

Exclusive digital ownership will be a game changer for media businesses

OG Studio
March 07
In Web3 it’s no longer about choosing between ownership and access. It’s about the combination of exclusive ownership and access for everyone.

Skeuomorphic translations in a Web3 world

OG Studio
February 11
First of all I would like to apologise for such a difficult title. Or at least starting off with the word Skeuomorphic. It’s a term crypto twitter loves to use and you become what you read right? What it actually means is ‘literally’. Or according to interaction-design.org