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Why "Cheap" Tokens Aren't Always Cheap

Topic Crypto
April 30
Sometimes, you'll come across cryptoassets that look ridiculously cheap, costing just a tiny fraction of a penny per token. So cheap that you could pick up millions of them for a relatively small, relatively affordable sum of money. Compare that to the likes of Bitcoin and Ether, where a single token would set you back many thousands of dollars.

A Brief Introduction To Proto-Danksharding

Topic Crypto
March 11
The following is a lightly edited excerpt of my post on Ethereum’s KZG Summoning Ceremony, focussing specifically on EIP-4844.
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How Ethereum Names Updates & Why It's Confusing

Topic Crypto
March 11
Ethereum is about to get a big update. But, what is it called? Unfortunately, the answer isn't so simple. Find out why here.
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How To Verify The KZG Ceremony & Claim Your POAP

Topic Crypto
February 28
Last year I wrote about Ethereum's KZG Summoning Ceremony and showed you how you could take part.

The Bitcoin ETF Is Here. Is That A Good Thing?

Topic Crypto
January 31
After 10 years of denial, the SEC has finally given the crypto community what they wanted and approved a spot Bitcoin ETF.

Some Thoughts On "Wen ETH ETF?"

Topic Crypto
January 31
The Bitcoin ETF is finally here, which means we can all now ask: "When ETH ETF?"
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Ethereum's KZG Summoning Ceremony Explained

What is Ethereum's KZG Summoning Ceremony? How does it relate to Ethereum's next major update, Proto-Dankshading? And how can you getinvovled? Find out here
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How To Prepare For The Merge

Topic Crypto
September 14
The Merge will be Ethereum's biggest ever upgrade, but how will it effect you? Here's everything you need to know to prepare for the Merge.
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How Will The Merge Work? A Beginner Friendly Explanation

Topic Crypto
September 14
The Merge is set to be Ethereum's biggest ever upgrade. But, how will it work? In this piece, I take a beginner friendly look at how the Merge will work.