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The Anything Chatbot

October 01
Creating a personalized chatbot has become relatively straightforward using libraries like LangChain. In fact you can develop your own full-stack javascript/typescript application in a few hours using the LangChain library. In the text below I will explain the steps I took. In this case I used service that also does the predictions. If you have a GPU with enough RAM you can run the model of your choice directly on the GPU

Public Blockchains and Truth

It’s easy to get distracted by the ‘technology’ when assessing a public blockchain i.e. how many transactions per second it can process and how cheap it is to use, while these are nice to have, in my opinion sacrificing on the ability for individuals to be able to run a node and verify transactions in their home is not worth whatever improvements in scalability are achieved at the base layer. If performance and cost are super important to you, then might as well run it on AWS or use a rollup with a public blockchain for consensus and security.

Basic Wallet Security

April 14
While having a public ledger is useful in many cases but in some cases addresses with non zero balances can become targets for scammers or hackers to relieve users of their funds. Your wallet is the interface used to interact with your private keys on a blockchain.

Importance of Self-Custody

April 11
Today, the easiest way to buy and store your cryptocurrency is through an established cryptocurrency exchange like coinbase or binance, however owning any digital asset or digital representation of an asset through a third party can be risky as the only way to know if the balance is real and not just numbers on a screen is by trying to redeem all your funds.

Supporting A Decentralized Blockchain

April 06
One of the reasons decentralized public blockchains are useful is because theoretically, anyone can download a copy of the ledger(blockchain), sync up to the present block and then validate current transactions.


February 12

How to create a token URI

February 09
Creating an NFT using the ERC721 standard means that the token created also needs a token URI

Smart Contracts without the website

January 28
A typical Ethereum Classic web application has two main parts. The first is the client side which is what you see when the website loads in a browser. The other is the back end or server side which is typically written in solidity and lives on the blockchain.

Decentralized blockchains and the interactions they enable

January 27
The more I research the popular blockchains today, I keep coming back to the principle that the point of this whole movement is decentralization. The challenge will be maintaining decentralization (social scalability) while having computational scalability. Decentralization means the blockchain will stay censorship resistant, trustless, permissionless and be able to stand the test of time.