


Music is life, its why our hearts have beats. Rythm flows like water, and pulses like blood. Want to heal the world, fix the music.
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Well, are we real?

January 23
What is real, am I real, are you real, is this thing that you are reading real? Where are you? More importantly, when are you? Are the years that you believe behind you actually behind you? In front of you? Again, when are you?
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January 22
Now I lay me down to sleep

Why Pain?

January 19
As I sit here with electrodes on my neck sending waves through my nervous system to ease the pain that goes along with this particular incarnation of human existence I ask myself why pain? Why pain? Why not joy, pleasure, glee, or any of the emotions that we enjoy feeling? Why is pain the greatest teacher in life? Now I will use the word GOD for simplicity, however we know that the actual explanation for what we call God is way deeper and longer to understand then the simple word, but for the sake of keeping it simple I will use the title given to the energy that powers the universe and all that exits which we collectively call God.
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Are we out of time

January 04
What is time, what does it mean, what does it actually measure and are we out of time? In the beginning there was nothing, and then something happened. What, well that is still debated to this day, but nevertheless something happened. A spark, a flash, 2 atoms rubbing together in the great void of nothingness and suddenly there was light. What is light? Everything is light. Even the darkness is light. Shadows, they only exist in the light. Put a shadow in the dark and it disappears, because it’s not real, it’s just being cast by something blocking the light. Think about that for just a second, the darkness, the shadows, the fear that drives you to do things isn’t real. It only exists in the shadow of your mind where you block the light of your heart with nonsense that either doesn’t really matter, isn’t really logical, or simply isn’t true. What are you afraid of? whatever your answer is doesn’t matter. There is nothing to fear, nothing at all. All fear is rooted in love, and more specifically the absence of love. You feel afraid, because you don’t feel love in the moment for some reason. So, you turn that love you are not feeling into fear to fill the void with something, because the human does not like to exist in a state of nothing or emptiness so it must fill the void all the time. Not realizing there is no void, and the love never leaves you, because the love is you, you simply don’t see it. You’ve been numbed with guilty pleasures (and innocent ones) to the point of only seeing love from outside and only believing you can send love to others all the while forgetting the greatest love not only lies within you but is the love you give yourself. You are love, I am love, we are love, and we are one. One love.