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Causally Looped: Token Diagrams in Code

July 08
Diagrams are an essential tool in token engineering. Not having a way to share, reuse, iterate, extend and collaborate on diagrams hurts. So today we're introducing a way to solve this problem, with simple off the shelf open source tooling and a style guide. Stay tuned to grab the details or go straight to the repo.

Swappland Project 0

April 20
It's been a little while, but we've been hard at work! This past month we soft-launched our first project Swappland on Near mainnet. It's an NFT secondary marketplace on Near. It is the first project on Near to allow NFT for NFT swapping, eventually NFT for any token swapping, as well as 1155 for 1155/ Near's equivalent .
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We're building a Ship!

October 20
At Ships we're building a platform to help software developers create sustainable open source. We're making it possible for developers to launch their own tokens for their Open Source Software projects.