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Orange Financial

Orange Financial

A yield farming treasury that offers stablecoin profit distribution to its holders. Mint today at https://orange.financial
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Payout #10 (4/25-5/09)

Good evening Orange Financial holders! The payout for this period has been sent and distributed to holders! More info below:

Snapshot Survey on 5/2/2023: Dynamic Fee Structure

Good evening everyone! As part of our efforts to become more involved with the community, we will be holding a snapshot voting session starting tomorrow to gauge how the community feels regarding our updates to the whitepaper fee structure, making it a dynamic fee structure, rather then fixed. More information below.
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Payout #9 (4/18-4/25)

Good evening everyone! This week’s snapshot is in and the payout has been sent! More information and links at the bottom of this page.

Our journey with mirror.xyz begins.

In an effort to make the treasury reports and updates more organized we will be uploading most of the reports to here. This also will allow us to create more detailed monthly reports explaining what our best positions & farms were for that period. This will also be the main place for overall updates and minting announcements.