

Ourmada’s goal is to ship DAO tools.
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Unlocking the Power of Off-Chain Data for Better Collaboration

April 03
Zooming out, this includes technological constraints, navigating market trends, and understanding user behavior. However, when we zoom in and focus on what’s keeping web3 projects from growing, there are some common themes. We call them the Three Big Cs, and they define what web3 projects experience as:

Lessons from Co.Lab Fellowship - Part 2

March 07
Web3 has come to be characterized by its decentralized, permission-less, and remote nature. This makes entirely logical for software programmers worldwide because their output of code is ubiquitous, non-fungible, and accessible. However, the work of  non-engineering roles such as marketers, salespeople, and operations professionals, presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities.
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Lessons from Co.Lab Fellowship - Part 1

February 09
For the past month, I have been spending several hours a day with Co.Lab Fellows who have been selected by RnDAO and Arbitrum DAO. We are at different stages of creating new projects, scattered throughout the world, and jump on a Zoom call twice a week to share updates from our user research. I highly encourage you to check out their work here, here, and here.
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Recent Lessons - Questioning Assumptions

February 09
I’ve started slowly incorporating elements of working in public at the suggestion of my Co.Lab Fellows sponsored by ArbitrumDAO and RnDAO. It is uncomfortable at times and has been inconsistent, but helpful nonetheless. Writing has always been critical since the early days of Ourmada and it has been powerful to journal the journey. Documenting the process in a public fashion, however, has been difficult and seemingly a distraction. Some recent lessons have compelled me to reflect on what I’ve been learning - and what I need to forget -  as a founder.
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Ourmada: anchors aweigh

April 06
Ourmada ships.