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Subtraction - From Philosophy to Action: Part 2

May 24
Every day, in front of our laptops, we find ourselves adrift in an ocean of information, constantly bombarded by waves of content. To navigate and communicate in the digital world, what matters is not just what we create, but also what we curate.

Subtraction - From Philosophy to Action

May 18
A Trilogy of Thoughts on a Subtractive Communications Strategy
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Good or evil? The ethics of Free Ross DAO

February 13
Free Ross DAO comprises two ethical questions: 1) Should we have free and anonymous online markets? And 2) Should a DAO influence legal structures?
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5 Days of DAO - Day 5

January 14
Five days of DAO are over today, and if I can summarize an insight, it’s this: You can contribute to a DAO in five days, and if something stands in your way, it’s worth the thought that it might be yourself. In my case, it was definitely myself, and if I want to go further from here (what I do), I need to work on my habits and time management.
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5 Days to DAO - Day 4

January 13
My manuscript for today turned out a bit short because I was busy with training all day. I did some push-ups and lifting and forged my sword, before I went downtown to start my first quest.
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5 Days to DAO - Day 3

January 12
Last night I had trouble sleeping, but when the sun hit my face I knew I needed to go on. Today was going to be the day I’d make my first contribution to the DAO, or that’s what I thought.
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5 days to DAO - Day 2

January 11
There was I standing now, with the sword in my hand, letting my gaze wander over the endless field of the Discord channels, loaded with infinite possibilities of jobs to do and conversations to have. I was ready to jump right into the DAO game, but where would I start?
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5 days to DAO - Day 1

January 10
Day 1
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What is the “social” in social tokens?

December 31
If you like my ideas, follow me on Twitter: @\_roseight