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Kalau Begitu, Baiklah...

"Kalau Begitu, Baiklah..." - Because life's most beautiful melodies are born from patience, connections, and the legacy we create.
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🛰️SLATANWORLD🌐 1️⃣0️⃣1️⃣

We already have 0108 SLATAN, now here comes the 🛰️SLATANWORLD🌐...
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WAH by GARD WUZGUT Digital Collectible Explained

TLDR; WAH productions revolved around the ‘what ifs’ and hyperbole. This is us exploring new avenue to keep enjoy doing music. Purchase WAH collectible using ROTI, you’ll get streamed 10 ROTIx/month. 10% of WAH royalty collections is offered to the holders and distributed annually by the Artists. Just trying stuffs.
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Pre-save Slatan Album: SKL Single, “OFFS8.” Available on all major DSPs 25th July 2022.

Pre-save the first single from SKL, OFFS8.
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Next. WHAT?

As I am privileged enough to have a say for the next Slatan Album: SKL rollout, I would like to invite anyone to join and play this game; all tracks will be available in digital collectibles form, and anyone could collect it. There’s a piece I wrote, pretty much just me rambling on the ideas of integrating collectibles with music releases and experience in general. Check it out 👇🏼
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Slatan, What's Next?

Slatan 🔝what's the move?