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Finance Technology & Blockchain
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The New Digital Euro Stablecoin $EURN (Euro -Nordic)

January 13
Focus on Stability & Trade, Securely Built for Inclusion, Stability, Cross border Trade, Revenue Sharing and Evolution to decentralisation

HomeDAO v2

January 13
HomeDAO is a one of the first of its kind blockchain based marketplace for real estate ownership from around the world. Unlike any other real estate corporation in the world, it allows the users to propose new real estate projects and properties of various kinds to be brought into the HOME ecosystem by voting to decide if it should be procured and sold. Token holders are incentivised by great rewards for participating in the governance process.

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in practice

January 13
CBDCs are an opportunity for central banks to offer a technologically advanced representation of central bank money for the digital economy. This article focuses on Retail CBDCs.

Have you heard about “THE MONEY FLOWER” ?

January 13
The “Money Flower” diagram by M. Bech and R. Garratt is one way to visualize different types of money and their traits.

Is blockchain the solution for you?

January 13
If you’ve answered yes to at least four of these questions, blockchain could be the solution for you!

Blockchain’s Accounting Perspective

January 13
Blockchain is fundamentally an accounting technology. Quick Recap of the key features of blockchain:

Do you know what is a Smart Contract? - Tahir Jamal - Medium

January 13
“Secure, transparent, no third-party, autonomous & accurate”

All what you need to know about NFTs — A new investment asset class or just a Hype ?

January 13
NFTs are a real buzz at the moment. They let us tokenise things like art, collectibles, even real estate. NFTs started in 2017 with CryptoKitties (a game to breed and trade digital kittens) and CryptoPunks and gradually increased over the last years, but it exploded in 2021 (i.e. in 2020 the market was estimated to $250 million over the whole year, while in the month of February 2021 alone already $360 million of NFTs were traded). These enormous prices definitely attract a lot of media attention and investors, but nonetheless NFTs remain difficult to grasp. While for traditional art, the owner has the physical artwork in his possession, this is not the case at all for NFTs. For example, the NFT for the Beeple picture sold for the record amount $69.3 million can perfectly be downloaded on the internet at no cost. This downloaded file will be identical to the digital file owned by the buyer (i.e. the copy is literally as good as the original).

Real Estate and the general need for reform

January 13
Real estate is one of the largest asset classes worldwide in terms of market capitalization, however, real estate ownership is not open to all members of society. Many low-income households can never afford to buy real estate. To receive a loan, buyers must have a positive credit score, a steady and well-paid job, or a collateral of other assets.